Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2386 Big Devil! Narcissist!

Chapter 2388 The big devil! Narcissist!

The situation is changing rapidly, and this kind of cross-border business may fall into the hands of others even if it is absent for a second. Bai Yeyuan should have been sitting in Italy without leaving.

However, he could not withstand some kind of throbbing in his heart. He lost his principles on impulse and took advantage of the Italian night to rush back to the country overnight.

It's okay to be willful like this, just take a private jet back early in the morning.

But when Xiao Ning took the initiative to embrace her, he once again lost his principles for her.

He sank.

He actually spent the whole morning pleasing this woman.

He must go.

Xiao Ning curled up weakly on the bed, her nose twitching: "Yeah."

Bai Yeyuan felt an indescribable complex feeling in his heart when he looked at the little thing that he had turned into such a small thing.

Inexplicably, I wanted to step forward, hold her little face in my hands and say, "Are you happy if I don't leave?"

However, his inner reason restrained him.


Women cannot be pampered.

She will be proud of him.

What's more, the past between her and him is too complicated, and there are too many unexplainable hatreds.

She will forget that she should be tortured and humiliated by him forever in her life.

Bai Yeyuan's eyes turned cold and he didn't stay after all.

Just when he walked to the door, he said lightly without looking back: "I will stay in Italy for at least half a month, and I won't be able to come back in the middle. During this time, you can take good care of yourself."

After a pause, he added: "I won't let you do what happened in the bathroom that night again."

Xiao Ning was extremely embarrassed!

What happened in the bathroom that night?

Isn't it Bai Yeyuan on the video call?

Is it disgusting to force her to love herself?

He actually had the nerve to say it? !

She almost gritted her teeth: "Yeah."

Bai Yeyuan closed the door and left resolutely.

It took a long time for the door to close.

Xiao Ning suddenly jumped up from the bed.

Although he is still a little weak, he is in good spirits.

She walked barefoot to the window.

Open the curtain a little and look outside.

I saw the black Cayenne that Bai Yeyuan often rode in, slowly driving past the downstairs and towards the door of the old house.

He's really gone.

Xiao Ning just wanted to close the curtains.

Suddenly, the rear window of the Cayenne was rolled down.

Bai Yeyuan's cold face slowly appeared in her field of vision!

And, looking in the direction where she is on the second floor!

She even saw the corners of his lips raised slightly, a meaningful smile.

Xiao Ning's heart was pounding. She tightened the curtains and stood nervously against the wall.


Bai Yeyuan saw her.

Could he have misunderstood that he was reluctantly saying goodbye to him?


The phone screen lit up and a text message came in.

Bai Yeyuan: "Little one, don't think about me too much. If you can't help it, ask my secretary to send you to Italy, and I will fill you up..."

Xiao Ning shuddered and deleted the astringent and affectionate text message with all her strength.

"Who misses you, you big devil! Narcissist!"

"The further you get away, the better!"

"I, Xiao Ning, will be a bitch if I miss you again!"

"You won't be back for half a month, right? You won't harass me with phone calls, right? I just want to say - it's great!"

Xiao Ning changed her timid look, her eyes were bright, she put on her clothes and returned to her room.

She dug out the review materials for the Bar Qualification Examination and read them carefully...

This looks like a day.

When she finished eating, she finally had time to look at her phone again.

There are a lot of short messages.

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