Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2387: Admitting to Murder

Chapter 238

Among the bunch of text messages, there was a message from Mu Tianyu telling her that the matter was settled.

You Qiu Xinxin told her that the court date for the Dahua Erhua case had been set again.

There is even a message from Fu Qingyun: "Sorry, the dancing photos last night troubled you. There should be no newspapers on the market now, so don't worry."

Xiao Ning smiled slightly.

Yes, Qiqi and brother Tianyu helped her solve this problem. Qingyun Baiyun Hongyun, you, a little civil servant, don’t have to worry about it.

However, considering the other party's self-esteem, she did not dare to say so directly.

Instead, he replied with a simple smiley face.

Then I was busy studying the final trial materials of Dahua Erhua's case.

During the last court session, the opposing lawyer focused on a loophole in the case, which was that the three men from the Wang family who imprisoned Dahua Erhua were not found.

Although people from the same village were accomplices, the main culprits were three men.

Without their whereabouts, the case cannot be decided.


Others didn't know it, but Xiao Ning knew best that she had already killed those three men and thrown them into the septic tank.

Now, do you want her to tell the story of how she killed people and dumped their bodies?

Then she, as a lawyer, no longer has to defend others, she becomes a murderer first.

With a headache, she checked the information for a long time, but there was no better way.

The only way is to admit to the court that she committed the murder, and then reduce her crime on the grounds of "self-defense"...

However, both she and the other party are adults, and the other party has not imprisoned him. The court is likely not to accept her "justifiable defense" reason, and will consider her "excessive defense" and ultimately punish her...

No matter what, one person does the work and the other takes responsibility.

If the whereabouts of the three men of the Wang family are not resolved, the accomplices who murdered Da Hua Er Hua will remain unpunished.

Xiao Ning silently made up her mind.

He even thought sarcastically that if she was sentenced to a few years in prison, maybe her uncle would forget about her and be too lazy to play with her anymore.

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise hehehe...


The child mutilation case finally went to trial again.

This time at the Universe Law Firm, Xiao Ning was still present as the attorney, but An Wanru brought several colleagues to support her. After all, it was the final trial, and she was afraid that she would be in a situation where she couldn't hold it back.

However, Xiao Ning's performance was unexpected.

Although she has not yet qualified as a lawyer, her words and deeds already have the rigorous style of a lawyer. The legal clauses she cited are accurate and powerful, which played a particularly important role in promoting the case.

However, just when everything was going very well.

The most critical point of the case finally came to light.

The judge knocked the gavel and asked: "Now, I ask the plaintiff one last time, are the three Wang brothers the ones who have been imprisoning you?"

Dahua and the children: "Yes."

Xiao Ning: "Yes."

Judge: "Then why did they disappear on the night you fled? The defendant villagers claimed that you murdered the three Wang brothers for money. Is that true?"

At this time, the lawyer hired by the villagers got excited and immediately echoed with great enthusiasm: "A murderer must be punished with a life. You so-called accusers are the biggest suspects! You should be standing in the dock!"

Dahua and the children looked at each other and were about to say: "..."

Xiao Ning rushed to say: "This has nothing to do with the children, this is..."

She has made up her mind to admit her guilt and ensure that the children get a fair trial.

But before she finished speaking, Fu Qingyun suddenly stood up next to her——

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