Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2388 Let her go to jail!

No. 23

Fu Qingyun stopped Xiao Ning's words and spoke loudly: "I will answer this question for you."

The judge had suffered a setback from Fu Qingyun during the last court hearing. Now that he saw Fu Qingyun standing up to speak again, he was extremely upset.

But he couldn't stop Fu Qingyun from speaking.

Because Fu Qingyun is not just a bunch of people.

He is attending the case on behalf of the Prosecutor's Office, and according to his authority, he has the right to cross-examine any relief in court and express his views and the status of the case investigation.

In other words, his position is more detached than the plaintiff, defendant, and all lawyers in the court.

The judge listened to Fu Qingyun's speech depressedly.

"Our Procuratorate has found out... that the three Wang brothers were indeed killed."

Fu Qingyun first talks about the conclusion.

Then the case was clearly explained: "According to the forensic examination of the three Wang brothers, they were indeed killed. They were stabbed several times, bleeding, and finally drowned in a septic tank."

These few words made everyone present exclaim in surprise!

Everyone couldn't help but get goosebumps: What a horrible way to die.

Not only that, Fu Qingyun also projected the photos of the salvage scene, the photos of the forensic examination and the conclusions of the laboratory reports on the big screen, so that everyone could see them clearly.

It proves that their prosecutor's office's investigation is very fair.

Everyone was horrified to see this, this way of death was too tragic.

Some people were not able to bear it mentally, they were already dizzy on the spot, and some started to vomit.

Only the villagers and lawyers in the dock were smiling.

Very good!

The three Wang brothers died so completely. Now, can't we just put the blame on the three Wang brothers?

And he can kill two birds with one stone and drag those little bitches into the water. Hum, it’s not certain who will win in the end of this case!

Gradually, new hope arose in them.


An Wanru was sweating for Xiao Ning.

She is a senior lawyer and knows best what these photos mean.

Now that Fu Qingyun has investigated these photos, it is clear who the murderer is.

Xiao Ning, I'm afraid she has something to do with it.

She really couldn't bear to let such a good idea get involved in a case like this.

If she had known this, she really shouldn't have let Xiao Ning touch this case in the first place. It was too dangerous. She couldn't help others and got herself involved.

She frowned and had already begun to draft in her mind how she would help Xiao Ning get the minimum sentence once the judge found Xiao Ning guilty.

After all, a person died, so even the lightest sentence would be five to ten years.

Just as he was thinking about it, a low chuckle sounded in his ears: "Haha, if I remember correctly, murder is punishable by more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment or death. Even if you, Attorney An, are eloquent and try to get a reduced sentence, then she Xiao Ning will also Will she be imprisoned for 5-10 years? Tsk, when she is released from prison, she will be a useless old woman. I wonder if Lawyer An will still be merciful and continue to take her back as an assistant? "

An Wanru glared at the visitor angrily: "Zhu Qianqian, who asked you to come?"

She didn't bring Zhu Qianqian to listen. How did this woman get in?

The sight of this stick made her annoyed.

Zhu Qianqian smiled contentedly: "I'm here to help the boss get information, and I'll pay attention to you guys along the way. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot just now. According to the laws of our empire, people who have been in prison cannot work with lawyers in judicial institutions. She works in an office, so... when Xiao Ning is released from prison, I'm afraid you won't be able to help her arrange work. It's such a pity..."

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