Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2389 More shocking photos!

Film 23!

When An Wanru saw Zhu Qianqian's triumphant face, her eyebrows deepened, and a gleam of fire ignited in her eyes.

If she wasn't in court, she would have slapped this woman twice without hesitation.

However, the overall situation was more important, and she had to accompany Xiao Ning through this lawsuit.

An Wanru's eyes darkened and she said coldly: "What about going to jail? Don't say such words too harshly, or be careful to slap yourself in the face."

Zhu Qianqian snorted sarcastically: "The Procuratorate has already produced evidence, and Xiao Ning cannot escape the death penalty, but you are so stubborn!"

An Wanru said calmly: "Everything in the world is unpredictable. Until the last moment, who knows who is the dead duck?"

Zhu Qianqian: "Huh, okay, let's see."

Of course Xiao Ning is a dead duck, and she, Zhu Qianqian, is a noble and elegant swan princess! swan!

On stage.

The atmosphere was equally tense!

Xiao Ning never expected that before she could surrender, Fu Qingyun would take action.

She didn't dare to look into Fu Qingyun's eyes.

She knew she shouldn't blame Fu Qingyun for revealing the truth.

But she still hoped in her heart that he would not say anything and let her speak for herself...

Alas, even the last chance to surrender and get a reduced sentence is gone. This Qingyun Baiyun Hongyun is so upright, it is simply killing relatives for justice!

However, if the country's minor civil servants were as upright as he was, maybe the country would have hope to become a better place - Xiao Ning comforted herself helplessly!

After Fu Qingyun showed the photo, the judge was very satisfied: "Very good, that means that the three brothers were killed, and these children and Xiao Ning are now the new defendants and murder suspects?"

Oops, I really didn’t expect that Fu Qingyun not only didn’t embarrass him today, but actually took the initiative to collect such powerful evidence to deal with Xiao Ning and those little brats.

It really gives him peace of mind!

Unfortunately, the judge was happy too early.

Just when he thought the outcome of the case could be reversed.

Fu Qingyun said calmly: "Your Honor, would it be more appropriate for you to go back and re-read the legal documents and retake the judicial examination before taking office again?"

Judge: "You...what do you mean?"

This is simply humiliating. He, a great judge, actually has to go back to take the exam?

Fu Qingyun kept his story short: "You are not qualified enough and do not understand the law!"

Judge: "You... are in contempt of court!"

Fu Qingyun was neither humble nor overbearing: "You are rushing to convict the client before I have finished my evidence. Aren't you legally blind? Don't you need to reinvent the wheel?"


He knew that life would never be easy if Fu Qingyun was present!

Look, you are blaming the sky, the earth, and the air!

Fu Qingyun did not struggle with the judge for too long, but returned to the case and posted a new batch of photos.

This time, the entire audience was silent.

So shocked.

The shock of these photos is far more shocking than when Fu Qingyun showed the death of the three Wang brothers just now!

It was a pile of children's bodies.

Some of them have been aged for so long that all that is left is a pile of white bones - bones with missing limbs and limbs.

Others died not long ago, their bodies were covered with scars, and they were severely tortured before they died.

The most cruel thing is that almost all the children’s lower body organs were mutilated...

So perverted!

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

In the silence, Fu Qingyun's voice was sonorous and powerful:

"This was fished out of the same septic tank where the three Wang brothers killed dozens of children. Have you all seen the dog abuse case some time ago? It can be said that these children in the Wang family ended up worse than dogs. .”

"Now when you look back at the death of the Wang family, do you still think they died pitifully?"

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! It seems that Lord Qingyun is here to save Little Lemon! I feel like my little uncle is going to be cold... (Fairies, don’t worry about the missing text. There will definitely be a finale in September. Please allow me to explain the reason for interspersed writing now. It’s because of the climax of Lord Qiqi’s finale. It is related to Xiao Ning’s case, so I have to insert a paragraph about Xiao Ning. You smart people will definitely understand my painstaking efforts)]

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