Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2390: Long-term mental abuse

Chapter 23 God’s Abuse

Fu Qingyun's sonorous and powerful words left the entire audience speechless.

A minute ago, everyone was lamenting that Xiao Ning and the children were so cruel that they actually stabbed three men and threw them into the septic tank.

At this moment, a minute later, when they saw the photos of a dozen children who died in the septic tank, they felt that the three Wang family members should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!

Those three scumbags are cheap enough to be thrown into a septic tank. They really should be burned to ashes along with their feces and never be reincarnated again!

The crowd was furious, and although it was silent, it formed a force of justice, staring aggressively at the judge.

The judge was sweating coldly. He never expected that Fu Qingyun would suppress his ambition before he wanted to advance, and that he would have such terrible evidence in his hand.

It turns out that when Fu Qingyun released photos of the death of the three Wang brothers, it was just a piece of cake. What he really wanted to express was the photos of the corpses of the children behind them!

This is the key to truly touching people's hearts, impressing the jury, and sentencing the criminals to a more severe sentence!

The judge's hands trembled, and he finally calmed down, and hurriedly organized his words to respond: "Fu Qingyun, these photos are very cruel, and the criminal's method of committing the crime is very brutal, but legally, the death of these children and the death of the prisoner are two different things. Prisoners should be punished by law, rather than committing murders privately. No matter who they are, even if they are victims, murder must be punished with life. Don't you understand this common sense of the law? "

He directly brought out the law in an attempt to suppress Fu Qingyun.

However, when it comes to law, who can be more awesome than Lord Qingtian?

I heard Fu Qingyun sneer: "Who said the murder was committed in private? The children were obviously acting in self-defense."

After saying that, Fu Qingyun looked at Dahua Erhua and the others: "Tell everyone what you know, don't be afraid."

Xiao Ning was overwhelmed by the speed at which things developed.

She was obviously going to plead guilty, but why did it turn out that Fu Qingyun was exonerating her? And she was not allowed to interrupt during the whole process!

She stared blankly at Dahua Erhua and answered fluently:

"It was us who killed those three scum, it had nothing to do with sister Xiao Ning."

"The three of them were drunk that day,

Come back and beat us up, and torture us in turn! We all seized the opportunity, and in order to escape from the cage, we stabbed each of them, and then... they accidentally fell into the septic tank while escaping! "

"If we are guilty, perhaps the biggest crime is that we watched them fall in without pulling him up!"

Fu Qingyun nodded with satisfaction and added: "He often kills your companions and throws them into septic tanks in front of you, which has constituted the crime of mental abuse. According to imperial law, those who have been mentally abused for a long time will become accustomed to what they see. , so you won’t think it’s worth making a fuss about them falling into a cesspool, and you have no obligation to save him.”

Dahua and Erhua nodded confusedly.

They didn't understand the legal terms Fu Qingyun said.

All they knew was that they must follow what the prosecutor uncle taught them and not drag sister Xiao Ning into this case.

The uncle prosecutor said that since they were young, they would not be punished with their lives for killing, and he would definitely find a way to defend them so that they would not go to jail.

Therefore, they insisted that they were the ones who hacked to death the three men of the Wang family and had absolutely nothing to do with Xiao Ning.

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