Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2395 Men only blame women

The 23rd strange woman

Where is Guanyin Bodhisattva to pick up children? This old man is so confused!

Nannan's mother looked sad and angry, but she couldn't blame the old man. She had to quickly ask the old man to take her and her husband to the children's paradise.

It was already dark.

It turns out that the so-called children's paradise is a large temporary inflatable castle with Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf on top, as well as a large slide, wave pool, small swing...

This kind of inflatable castle is exactly the same as the children's amusement facilities that often appear in all small towns in the empire. There are almost several companies operating them in every small town.

Although there is no central city in the imperial capital, there are many in the suburbs.

They searched for the whole night, searching the inflatable castle upside down, and even searched the suburbs of the city, but they couldn't find their daughter.

The teacher and his wife called the police.

With the help of the police, surveillance video was obtained and the stall owner of the bouncy castle was interrogated, but to no avail.

There is no scene of Nannan leaving in the surveillance.

The stall owner honestly agreed to help with the search, and was very cooperative in providing the safety inspection report of the inflatable castle, his own identity information, and the business license.

The stall owner has been in the inflatable castle business for more than ten years. If he took away the children, he would not be able to continue operating here.

What's more, there is no evidence in the surveillance that he took the child away.

The case of Nannan's disappearance was shelved.

Half a year passed in a flash.

This family is almost broken up.

Because of self-blame, my grandparents fell ill one after another and passed away.

Nannan's father blamed his wife, saying that it was his wife who shed tears every day to show off his parents' looks, which was why his parents fell ill and died.

Nannan's mother was even more aggrieved. She was a woman in her 40s and risked almost one life and two lives to give birth to this precious child because the umbilical cord was wrapped around the fetus's neck and the amniotic fluid was insufficient.

Carefully taken care of and raised until two years old,

Just because the old man was negligent in taking care of the child, it was gone!

Where could she find someone to cry to?

Can't she even cry twice?

Besides, isn’t the old man right? Didn't the old man get sick because of too much psychological pressure? It wasn't her who made the old man sick.

The couple had not quarreled for decades, but their quarrel over the missing child in the past six months had almost broken each other's hearts. If they were not still looking for their daughter, they would have divorced long ago.

Nannan’s father already believed the old man’s story and tried to accept that it was Guanyin Bodhisattva who took the child away to enjoy his blessings.

However, Nannan’s mother still didn’t believe that Nannan just disappeared out of thin air.

My daughter must have been stolen by bad guys. Maybe my daughter is suffering somewhere!

So this time, Nannan's mother sold the house, spent her life savings, and came to the Universe Law Firm to ask a lawyer to help them find the child.

If she couldn't find it this time, she said, she didn't want to live anymore.

Nannan's father said that if he couldn't find her this time, he would get a divorce and leave this sad place.

Just this case, no one in the company was willing to take it.

Because any lawyer with a little professional experience knows that this is a hot potato.

This case does not fall under the category of litigation. It should be considered the category of private investigation and legal counsel, and it will take a lot of time to investigate.

You charge the commission fee, but if you can't find the child, the family will pester you.

The commission fee is not a large sum of money, and it is not worth wasting time at all.

Ordinary lawyers would rather take more divorce cases from rich people. The first wife spends a lot of money to ask them to collect evidence of her husband's cheating, or the rich husband wants to frame his wife for cheating and then let her clean up and leave the house... These private investigation cases, That’s what really makes a lot of money and is popular.

Xiao Ning, however, did not hesitate at all and took on this obviously thankless and unprofitable case.

Because she saw the almost desperate look in Nannan's mother's eyes, which reminded her of Big Flower Erhua.

When Dahua Erhua was kidnapped in the mall bathroom, their mother must have been so distraught, right?

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