Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2394: This hexagram 1 will definitely make her stink

Chapter 23 can stink her up

The gossip that Cai Qiuwen couldn't think of in his mind couldn't be easier when it comes to Zhu Qianqian.

She frowned and sneered: "Want to make her look bad? That's too easy... She's just a little intern. I've seen her resume and file, but she's just a bumpkin from the countryside in Qingcheng. What do you think? Why can a country bumpkin wear designer skirts and shoes?"

Cai Qiuwen said stupidly: "Why?"

Zhu Qianqian sneered mysteriously: "This reason... is the core of your gossip!"


Ever since Fu Qingyun and An Wanru encouraged Xiao Ning and asked her to participate in the Fengyun Case Finals at the end of the year, Xiao Ning has been immersed in work and is about to become a workaholic.

She must be the first to arrive at the office every morning, and often the last to leave in the evening.

While she is studying the case, she is also preparing for this year's judicial examination, hoping to obtain the lawyer's qualification as soon as possible.

Originally, registration for the judicial examination had ended two months ago, and she could not catch up with the opportunity to take the exam this year.

However, Fu Qingyun didn't know what kind of awesome relationship he had with her, so he actually asked her to jump in line midway and fill in the registration form.

Xiao Ning could only sigh again: A small civil servant is good, and she still has connections. It gave her, a commoner, a valuable experience in using the back door!

Since she used the back door, she had to take advantage of the rare opportunity and not lose face to Fu Qingyun.

So Xiao Ning worked extra hard to prepare for the exam. It can be said that she put in ten times more energy than other candidates. She stayed up late and worked hard every day!

At the same time, she also resolutely took the case that An Wanru mentioned.

That was a case that no lawyer in the company was willing to take.

Because the client is a middle-aged teacher couple.

When they were young, they went to the countryside to teach. They were busy with work and the conditions were difficult. They never had children. Later, when they were in their forties, they returned to the city and had a daughter in middle age. They gave birth to a very cute girl named Nannan.

The couple didn't make much money, and they had a heavy mortgage to repay.

I don’t have enough money to hire a nanny to look after the children, but I can leave my daughter with the elderly from Monday to Friday and take care of it myself on the weekends. One of the couple is responsible for teaching literacy and the other is responsible for teaching arithmetic. They can make ends meet with a careful budget, and a small family of three The days are also enjoyable.


Accidents will happen.

One weekend half a year ago, when my daughter was two years old.

The couple got off work at nine o'clock in the evening and rushed to their child's grandmother's house on the outskirts of the city.

But I saw the child's grandmother and grandfather, both sitting in the yard wiping tears.

When the two asked, the old people hesitated and couldn't say anything. When they asked where their daughter had gone, the grandma simply burst into tears: "My daughter was picked up by Guanyin Bodhisattva..."

Nannan's mother was so anxious that she couldn't help asking: "What's going on? Is the child lost? Why didn't you call us as soon as possible?"

Grandpa gritted his teeth and told the truth: "My daughter wanted to go out to play in the afternoon, so we took her to the town to buy lanterns. We passed by a children's playground and spent five yuan to play in it for a while... We obviously saw My daughter was sliding on the slide, and then...then she disappeared..."

Grandma was busy wiping away tears and interjected: "My daughter usually goes to the children's playground. We go there once or twice a week for her. It's fine every time. I don't know what happened this time, so I told Grandma Wang next door. After a few words, I couldn’t see her anymore when I turned around... Guanyin Bodhisattva must have picked her up..."

Nannan’s mother was absolutely shocked!

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