Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2397: To the big devil, a pouting kitten

Chapter 23 A pouting kitten

The two women chatted with gusto for half an hour before putting on exquisite makeup and leaving.

Xiao Ning slowly opened the bathroom stall door, her steps a little frivolous.

There was a hint of paleness on her face, and she couldn't believe that her colleague, who she spent time with day and night, could actually fabricate rumors about her like this behind her back.

Zhu Qianqian and Cai Qiuwen said before that her shoes were fake, so let them forget that childish lie.

Now she actually said that she was being kept by a married man, and she did so vividly, and even the details were explained clearly.

Even she found it so believable!

Has she done something scandalous that she doesn't even know about?

How ridiculous!

She is just a little intern, is it hindering anyone's interests? Why can't she be tolerated in the company?

No wonder, in the past few days, when she went to other departments to retrieve information, she received all kinds of glares, and some people even deliberately made things difficult for her, and they waited for a long time without giving her important case file information.

It turns out that she was deliberately isolated and excluded!


Xiao Ning clenched her fists.

She has always known that entering society cannot be compared with school.

Colleague relationships can be very complex.

But she has always maintained her sincerity and treated others with a sincere attitude. She does not harm or cheat others. Even if she cannot make friends, she will never meet someone who is too cheating, right?

Who would have expected that people's hearts are so complicated!

If this was an ordinary company, she would rush out and confront those who gossiped.

Even if she gives up and quits, she still has to prove her innocence.

However, this is a company jointly invested by Brother Tianyu and Qiqi.

No matter how unfriendly these female lawyers are, she still wants to do it for brother Tianyu's sake.

Try not to confront them head-on.

Because the matter got serious and Brother Tianyu or Qiqi had to step in to deal with it, she didn't want to add extra burden to them.

Xiao Ning was so angry that her fists were shaking, and she couldn't help feeling aggrieved.

Man, if you want to go out and do something, why is it so difficult!

She was holding her arms in front of the sink, her eyes were red, and she didn't leave the bathroom for a long time.


The phone screen lit up.

With a "ding-" sound, a text message came in.

Xiao Ning glanced out of the corner of her eyes, and that name immediately put her on guard, and she couldn't even care about feeling sad.

It was a text message from Bai Yeyuan.

Didn't he say before he left that he wouldn't be back for half a month and wouldn't call himself?

I thought I would have some pure space during this half month.

She is so naive. If a man can be believed, a boar can climb a tree!

Xiao Ning opened the text message as if facing a formidable enemy.

Afraid that Bai Yeyuan would suddenly have another seizure, he flew back from Italy overnight just to torture her to death for one night.


It was a little different from what she guessed.

This time, Bai Yeyuan sent a text message with a slightly different style.

"Has anyone bullied you while I've been away these days?"

Xiao Ning's heart jumped inexplicably.

Usually, he would ask first, where?

Then let her start the video, and then say some obscene words, or let him do some shameful actions for her.

Today he actually asked a serious question, something like a greeting and concern?

Xiao Ning's nervousness suddenly relaxed due to her uncle's sudden change of painting style, and the countless grievances in her heart surged uncontrollably——

"There are...many people bullying me." She couldn't help but reply, along with an emoticon of a pouting kitten.

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