Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2398 She was his favorite 10 years ago

Chapter 2400 She was his favorite ten years ago

After posting this sentence and the picture of the pouting kitten, Xiao Ning regretted it for a second.

She and Bai Yeyuan shouldn't have had such a conversation.

He was not the person to whom she could confide her grievances.

And she was not qualified to act coquettishly towards him.

Maybe, it was possible ten years ago.

At that time, she was still an ignorant little loli, and he was the uncle she admired most.

She could rub in his arms, act coquettishly, and order him to do this or that for her.

And who would have thought that ten years later, he would do nothing but...!


Everything changed completely after he took away her innocence on the night of her 18th birthday.

He became her master and she became his toy.

Isn't it ridiculous that a toy actually expresses its grievances to its owner?

Xiao Ning couldn't help but look in the mirror and laugh at herself.

It's a pity that the text messages sent cannot be received back.

Xiao Ning was thinking about how to round out her unintentionally coquettish words.

In particular, Bai Yeyuan didn't know that she went to work without telling Bai Yeyuan. Bai Yeyuan would be vigilant and ask her where the "many people" around her were bullying her? Ask her where she is!


Bai Yeyuan's text message reply was transmitted within a second, subverting Xiao Ning's imagination again: "Who dares to bully you? Tell me, I will make his life worse than death."

Xiao Ning held up her mobile phone and was stunned in the bathroom.

Stay still for a long time.

This sentence is so domineering and so passionate.

It almost made her think that she was back ten years ago, when her uncle still doted on her, protected her, and did everything for her.

The younger uncle actually didn't press her to ask where so many people came from.

But she directly asked angrily who was bullying her.

The vivid image of Bai Yeyuan coldly rolling up his shirt sleeves and preparing to lead people to deal with those who bullied her flashed through her mind.

You must know that in Qingcheng school, there was once a gangster who wanted to bully her. When her uncle heard about it, he went and beat him without saying a word.

Yes, he is really disabled.

To cripple a living person is really worse than death.

My uncle almost went to jail for this.

For this reason, many people in the Bai family, including Mrs. Bai, dislike her and think she is a natural disaster.

Xiao Ning stood stupidly, without realizing it, a hot teardrop fell from the corner of her eye and fell on her pale cheek...

Bai Yeyuan waited for a while, but didn't get Xiao Ning's reply and became irritated.

He directly called me: "Little guy, you are forcing me to break my promise."

He promised to give her half a month of relaxing time, but this little thing was so worrying. Within two days, he was bullied.

Xiao Ning quickly wiped the corners of her eyes and regained her composure: "No... uncle, I... I, I'm fine... I was joking just now..."

Bai Yeyuan lowered his voice: "Are you kidding? Where are you?"

Xiao Ning held her forehead.

Sure enough, this classic problem came again.

My uncle is still the cold uncle.

"I' the bathroom."

Bai Yeyuan curled his lips: "Are you thinking about me? Are you reminiscing about the last time you made love to yourself in the bathroom?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

Shameless guy! Who gave you confidence?

Bai Yeyuan was very proud: "I don't have time for the meeting now. You can send it to me later. Believe me, you will be happy once you do it, eh? As for those who bully you, leave it to me and I will avenge you. It must be a lesson they will never forget.”

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