Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2399 Who dares to touch my things, Bai Yeyuan!

Chapter 2401 Who dares to touch my things, Bai Yeyuan!

Xiao Ning bit her lip, stuttered, and explained in a panic: "No...I just...I heard that my classmates secretly gossiped about me behind my back. There is nothing unhappy about it! I'm fine now! They were just gossiping, You didn’t bully me. Really, you don’t need to help me get revenge..."

On the other end of the phone, Bai Yeyuan was silent for a few seconds.

His displeasure could clearly be heard in his deep breathing.

The little thing actually rejected him?

Who gave her the courage!

"You understand, I am not avenging you. I, Bai Yeyuan, have never allowed others to touch my things. Anyone who messes with my things, I will make his hands disappear from this world. Whoever talks dirty about my things , I will make his mouth lose its function from now on. If someone bullies you, do you think I will not take action to protect my own things?" Bai Yeyuan said coldly.

Xiao Ning's heart, which had just warmed up, felt as if it had fallen into an ice cave.

It turns out that the uncle said he would help her take revenge just to maintain the dignity of the owner and to protect the toys.

She is really... being sentimental again.

She is so stupid...

With a smile and tears on her face, Xiao Ning looked at herself in the mirror. The emotion she felt just now was so pitiful and ridiculous.

She pursed her lips and replied in a low voice: "I know, uncle."

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "What did they say about you? Tell the truth."

Xiao Ning had calmed down and said calmly: "It's nothing, they are just... jealous that I look good and have beautiful clothes and brand-name shoes, that's all."

Bai Yeyuan: "Haha, a bunch of talkative women who have never seen the world."

As he spoke, he was thinking about the new autumn and winter clothes, shoes, bags, hats and jewelry that were re-customized for Xiao Ning in Italy this time...

Isn't it a little bit not enough?

Go get her more some other time.

However, he mocked her with disgust: "It's true that the clothes and shoes are famous brands, but they say you are good-looking? Are they blind? Haha.


Xiao Ning bit her lip: "It's a harmless joke between classmates, just gossip and it will be over. It's okay, little uncle."

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "It's good to know. Don't think about these nonsense if you have nothing to do! When I come back, I will arrange for you to go to the archives for internship. Go to work early so that you don't have to think about it at home."

Xiao Ning: "I understand, uncle."

Bai Yeyuan hung up the phone.

In the conference room, Jonsson was loudly helping him to persuade members of the parliaments of several European countries to help their pharmaceutical factories pass environmental assessments as soon as possible and issue them certificates of compliance as soon as possible so that their factories could start operations as soon as possible.

From time to time, Jonson winked painfully at Bai Yeyuan in the corridor: Brother, what big deal are you busy with? Come quickly and help me deal with these stubborn old men! They actually said it would take a year to conduct an environmental assessment! Our tens of billions of investment in business will be delayed for a year? Damn it, these bastard old men are losing hundreds of thousands every day!

However, Bai Yeyuan just gave him a comforting look.

Then he decisively made a call to his secretary in China: "Check which classmates Xiao Ning has been meeting recently? Is he attending a class reunion or having dinner with someone? Report the results directly to me."

He always felt that Xiao Ning seemed to be avoiding the important and taking the easy.

If she hadn't really encountered something, she would never have suddenly sent him such a text message.

So wronged.

So sad.

Such a helpless text message.

At that moment, his heart was almost completely disturbed by her, did you know?

He must find out what trouble she encountered.

After giving the order, he tightened his tie, stretched out his long legs, and continued business negotiations for tens of billions of investments...

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