Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2401 Little Lemon Aura 2.8 meters

Chapter 2403 Little Lemon’s aura is 2.8 meters tall

After a brief pause, Cai Qiuwen was the first to react and sarcastically said: "Hey, isn't this our famous lady, Miss Xiao?"

She maliciously emphasized the accent on the words "little" and "sister".

"Hehehe..." The female colleague, who was a little embarrassed for gossiping about Xiao Ning behind her back just now, couldn't hold it in anymore and snickered.

Yes, there is nothing embarrassing about gossiping about "little" or "sister" people.

Bitch woman, everyone can kill her!

Cai Qiuwen was very proud.

It seems that Minister Zhu is right. As long as Xiao Ning is grasped, the women in this company will definitely become their knives and guns, allowing Xiao Ning to taste the painful taste of rumors, wind, frost, and swords. .

How can a woman live an easy life if her reputation is trampled on by others? Haha!

Cai Qiuwen looked at Xiao Ning proudly.

Unexpectedly, the shock, anger, sadness, frustration... all the expressions she expected did not appear on Xiao Ning's face at all.

Xiao Ning's face was very calm, as if nothing happened, she walked directly to the coffee machine and started to turn the button to make a fresh cup of black coffee to refresh herself.

Cai Qiuwen's attack was like a fist hitting cotton, extremely boring.

How does this work?

To punish a bitch, you need to appreciate the miserable state of life that is worse than death, the grief-stricken pain.

If the bitch doesn't take the bait at all, then what's the point?

There is no more pleasure in bullying others.

Thinking this, Cai Qiuwen rolled his eyes and curled his lips.

While Xiao Ning was receiving the coffee, she stepped forward, shook her hand, and poured the lemon tea on Xiao Ning!

Then he deliberately chirped: "Oh, I accidentally made my hand slippery!"

Lemon tea spilled on Xiao Ning's pants.

Fortunately, her pants today are dark suit pants.

There are water stains, but they are not obvious.

Cai Qiuwen obviously did this on purpose.

Although the colleagues around him noticed it, no one stepped forward to stop him.

Some people even deliberately insinuated: "In ancient times, such unclean women would be dipped in pig cages!"

"Yes, ours is a professional law firm, not the kind of place where women selling sex can hang out!"

"If you want to sell it, sell it, why pollute our environment?"

Xiao Ning turned around slowly and wiped the water stains from her pants. A lemon slice slipped from her pants and fell to the ground.

She said calmly: "Who said that I had a shady deal with the bald old man? Which of your eyes saw it? With your caliber, do you have the nerve to say that you are a professional lawyer? Where is the evidence? I don't know about gossip without evidence. What’s the professional term for it? Let’s understand the legal consequences of spreading rumors, defamation, and infringement of reputation rights, okay?”

Xiao Ning's tone was calm, but at this moment, the female lawyers felt great pressure.

They had just been impulsive and had fun. After all, talking about the privacy of other people's boudoirs always makes people's adrenaline hormones soar, which is especially interesting in a boring life.

However, when Xiao Ning calmly asked questions, they realized that the scale of these gossips had reached the bottom line of infringing on other people's reputation rights.

They are lawyers and should have this professional sensitivity.

But he was still provoked by Cai Qiuwen and forgot about professional ethics.

At this moment, facing Xiao Ning, who was calm and composed with an aura of 2.8 meters, they actually felt a little ashamed!

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