Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2402 Punishing the bitch [Refreshing]

Chapter 2404 Punishing the Bitch [Refreshing]

Seeing the female lawyers being ashamed and silent, Cai Qiuwen felt unhappy.

what happened?

Is it possible for these people to be frightened by Xiao Ning's few words?

How is this possible?

There is absolutely no reason to take back the dirty water that I finally spilled.

"Hey, hey, hey, Xiao Ning, please stop clearing your name. What is spreading rumors and slander? What is infringement of reputation? Don't think that you have studied law for three or two days and you can just talk nonsense with your three-legged cat skills. You obviously rely on men. Wearing gold and silver, relying on men to solve cases and win awards, this is an ironclad fact. Why are you spreading rumors? Why don't you show the invoices for buying clothes and shoes? Otherwise, you have the ability to make a top ten criminal case. , give us a valuable award like the top ten economic cases?"

Cai Qiuwen rubbed his neck and shouted.

Because of the excitement, the veins on my neck popped out one by one, making me look as ugly as I wanted.

But she didn't realize it at all, and she was still announcing proudly: "You don't have the ability, do you? If you don't have the ability, don't beep blindly, just treat yourself as a dead dog and let it be laughed at! Jumping out will only make us look down on you even more You! Bitch!”

"Say something else?" Xiao Ning's voice turned cold, and she held the coffee cup tightly.

She has endured too much humiliation from Bai Yeyuan.

She doesn't want to endure others calling her cheap anymore!

Why should she be bullied everywhere?

Cai Qiuwen hadn't noticed the change in Xiao Ning's face yet, You Zi yelled: "I'm just telling you what you are doing, bitch, bitch, bitch - ahhhhh!"

After saying a few words happily, he suddenly started screaming miserably.

The female lawyers in the room were all shocked.

I saw a stream of hot coffee suddenly burst out of the coffee cup in Xiao Ning's hand, directly hitting Cai Qiuwen's face!

The scalding coffee rushed into Cai Qiuwen's eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

She was so hot that she howled and spun around like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

In fact, this coffee is not boiling water.

That's eighty or ninety degrees. If you burn your eyes, it will be very painful, but it won't be so painful.

But coincidentally, Cai Qiuwen is short-sighted and loves beauty.

She did not wear glasses but contact lenses, the kind that had the effect of contact lenses.

This kind of lens is very afraid of hot water.

The touch of the scalding coffee immediately burned Cai Qiuwen, making her eyes almost go blind.

"Xiao Ning, you did this intentionally, and you will go to jail! You, all of you, testify for me, we will report the case now! Call the police! Send this vicious woman to jail! Wuwuwu... She has been in jail for twenty years. It cannot relieve the hatred in my heart..."

Cai Qiuwen wailed miserably, cursing Xiao Ning and drawing his alliance partners closer.

However, none of the female lawyers at the scene answered her.

Everyone looked at Xiao Ning's coffee cup and then at Cai Qiuwen's miserable condition without saying a word.

Cai Qiuwen felt something was wrong.

She fumbled and grabbed the hand of a female lawyer next to her: "Xiao Xi, you just saw that little bitch Xiao Ning pouring hot water on me, right? She committed a serious crime, right? Please help me quickly. Go call the police..."

However, the female lawyer pursed her lips in embarrassment: "No...Sister Qiu Wen, you are wrong..."

Cai Qiuwen went crazy. Her eyeballs were burned and she couldn't open her eyes. She could only jump on the spot and stomp her feet: "What do you mean? You were bribed by a bitch to speak for her? Didn't you uphold justice for me? Did you take her? How can you be soft-handed and short-tongued when it comes to selling, selling, and meat?"

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