Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2414 The terrible lord!

Chapter 241

Bailang was completely confused.

What nonsense did Gong Jue ask him to say again?

What did he just say on the phone?

Oh, by the way, he was calling Mr. Ye and wanted to make an appointment: "I said we would come over to have tea, chat and watch a movie..."

Gong Jue sneered: "That's not the case."

Bailang racked his brains: "I heard you won't have surgery tonight...shall we go on a date?"

Gong Jue's tone was almost murderous: "One more sentence."

Bailang: "Hey... Mr. Ye, are you there?"

Gong Jue: "Humph, not here!"

After that, bang bang, hung up the phone, that's a shame.

Bai Lang was confused for a long time.

Only then did he gradually realize that something was wrong.

God, why is Sir Alex on Mr. Ye's phone?

No, why did Sir Alex have Mr. Ye’s cell phone?

No, no, why is Sir Alex with Young Master Ye so late?

Oh my god, Sir Alex likes men!

The point is, the man that Sir Alex likes is the man that Bai Lang also likes.

Damn it, the prince wants to compete with him for Young Master Ye!

Sir, you are too shameless. Don’t you have a little goblin?

That night, Bai Lang also went crazy and wanted to kill someone.


Rose Hotel.

Mu Tianyu smiled while serving Xiao Ning: "I heard from my female colleagues that this Rose Hotel is the most popular hotel for couples to dine in the Imperial Capital recently. It seems that it is well-deserved. Every dish is decorated with flowers. And they are all edible flowers..."

Xiao Ning ate meat: "Brother Tianyu,

I think we should seize the time to discuss the case. I just thought, how about we just use the trick and deliberately create an opportunity for them to steal children, and then catch them? What do you think of this approach? "

Mu Tianyu: "..."

Once again, he deeply felt that his fiancée was a workaholic, and this matter affected the quality of life somewhat...

Originally, I wanted to take the little girl to experience the romantic atmosphere.

Why does she never talk about work and cases?

Mu Tianyu took a deep breath and said helplessly: "Ning Ning, your approach makes sense. But... forget it, you'd better eat meat. Come on, I'll give you my meat too..."

Mu Tianyu dotingly cut up his piece of snowflake beef and gave it to Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning originally loved eating this moderately fat and thin snowflake beef, but for some reason, when he handed it over this time, Xiao Ning didn't take it.

Not only did she not answer, but her eyes were dull and she looked at him in surprise.

He deliberately joked: "Why, my meat doesn't taste good?"

Xiao Ning opened her mouth, but stopped talking!

Mu Tianyu misunderstood that Xiao Ning was hinting that he should feed her, and a sweet throbbing surged in his heart, so he simply handed the fork over to feed Xiao Ning.

Who knows!

Xiao Ning exclaimed: "Uncle, no!"

Mu Tianyu suddenly felt a blast of wind in his ears!


A slap landed directly on Mu Tianyu's arm.

The piece of meat he wanted to feed Xiao Ning fell to the ground.

Mu Tianyu was stunned.

He didn't quite understand what was going on with the situation in front of him.

But he knew Bai Yeyuan and knew that Bai Yeyuan was Xiao Ning's uncle.

Therefore, out of respect, he stood up and rubbed the arm that was sore from Bai Yeyuan's beating. He thought it was an elder's joke and said respectfully: "Uncle, what a coincidence that you are here to eat too? Do you want to join us? Together?"

Xiao Ning's younger uncle is his younger uncle, so there's nothing wrong with calling him that.


Bai Yeyuan glanced at him coldly and contemptuously: "I don't have a nephew as old as you."

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