Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2415 She begged him!

Chapter 2417 She begged him!

Bai Yeyuan's implication was that he did not accept Mu Tianyu's respectful title to him at all!

Xiao Ning was so anxious that she almost cried.

She never expected that Bai Yeyuan would suddenly return to China.

What happened?

Is Bai Yeyuan also discussing business at the Rose Hotel?

"Uncle, do you have anything important to do here? Let's not disturb your work first..." She wanted to take the opportunity to isolate Bai Yeyuan and Mu Tianyu.

No matter what happens, she can face it alone.

We can’t implicate brother Tianyu.

Bai Yeyuan sneered: "This is a hotel. I have only seen people booking rooms in the hotel. Have you ever seen anyone discussing business in the hotel?"

Xiao Ning's little face suddenly froze: "..."

Yes, this is the Rose Hotel, a place for couples to go on a date!

Wait, did my uncle misunderstand something?

She and Mu Tianyu didn't come here to rent a room, they just had a working meal.

However, she couldn't tell Bai Yeyuan that she had a working relationship with Mu Tianyu, otherwise Bai Yeyuan would definitely cut off her way of survival.

But without explanation, Bai Yeyuan would misunderstand the relationship between her and Mu Tianyu.

What a dilemma!

Mu Tianyu was even more embarrassed.

He had no idea how he had offended Bai Yeyuan, causing him to lose face as soon as he came up. Moreover, he later understood that Bai Yeyuan's slap on his arm just now was not an accident, but intentional.

But why?

In the future, he will be the niece-in-law of the Bai family and marry Xiao Ning. He and Bai Yeyuan are very close relatives. Why is Bai Yeyuan so indifferent to him? Is he dissatisfied with him?

Just when Mu Tianyu was puzzled, Bai Yeyuan was too lazy to pay attention to him and walked directly towards Xiao Ning step by step.

He stopped behind Xiao Ning's seat.

He put his arms on Xiao Ning's chair, leaned over slightly, and put his whole body close to Xiao Ning's long hair.

His lips almost touched her ears.

"Little Lemon, you are so leisurely and leisurely going out to eat with a man, and you love eating meat so much... Are you suffering from a severe lack of meat recently? You are very hungry and haven't eaten enough..."

Normal people would have nothing wrong with hearing this.

Even Mu Tianyu, who was opposite him, was stunned and didn't react.

Xiao Ning does like to eat snowflake beef, and she is indeed a foodie.

The way he only cared about eating meat and not vegetables just now made him look like he wasn't full...


Only Xiao Ning knew clearly that Bai Yeyuan was definitely not talking about serious meat-eating!

What he was talking about was...that shameful flesh!

Xiao Ning's body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

She suddenly realized that Bai Yeyuan might really be here for her tonight.

It wasn't a chance passing by while talking about business, or a coincidence, he was just here to take care of her.

They might even break up her engagement with Mu Tianyu in person!


Mu Tianyu must not be allowed to know about the dirty things between her and Bai Yeyuan. This will destroy brother Tianyu's outlook on life and also destroy their precious childhood memories.

Xiao Ning begged Bai Yeyuan in a low voice: "Little uncle, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have slipped out of the house. Can I go back with you?"

She had never begged Bai Yeyuan to take her home like this.

Even though she knew that the consequences of going home would be to be bullied to death, she still begged!


Bai Yeyuan remained unmoved.

The corners of his lips curved in a cold arc: "Go home? It's so boring to go home. I just like being here... there are so many people here, and there are so many spectators. It's not a pleasant experience..."

His meaningful words instantly made Xiao Ning tense up on her toes!

What does Bai Yeyuan mean!

Did you mean to do her right here and on the spot? !

There were drops of sweat on the tip of her nose.

I have a very ominous feeling that tonight, Bai Yeyuan may want to peel off a layer of her skin!

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! I am still thinking about how I will punish Little Lemon, and I welcome fairies to give me pure suggestions. I'm a diligent updater, so please recommend me a monthly pass! 】

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