Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2425 Xiao Ning commits suicide

Chapter 2427 Xiao Ning commits suicide

The night is already very deep.

Not a single cloud could be seen in the sky outside the window, only stars and moon.

The entire sky was inky black, just like her mood at the moment.

In the past, she only felt that her body was dirty by Bai Yeyuan, but now she felt that her soul had been stepped into the mud by him.

How could he do such limitless things to her?

He actually used a cigar to... tease her.

After he was done, he even relit the cigar in a playful manner, put it in his mouth and took a long puff.

Xiao Ning felt that her outlook on life was completely shattered by Bai Yeyuan this night.

If she could, she really wanted him to die.

Even, for the first time in her life, she wanted to die by herself.

Living is really too hard and hard... It would be nice if I could commit suicide...

Bury all the dirty things under a pile of soil, and she won't have to suffer from him for the rest of her life.

She looked out the window and calculated whether she would fall to her death if she jumped from the third-floor balcony.

Suicide must be painful, right?

I heard that people who jump from buildings to death will have their brains scattered everywhere and die very ugly.

She was afraid of pain and ugly.

But she really doesn't want to live anymore and continue to live such a humiliating life...

What to do? All her courage and strength were nothing compared to the big devil Bai Yeyuan.

She could fight vicious colleagues, criminals, and even judges without fear, but facing Bai Yeyuan, she was helpless.

She had never wanted to die so much as she did tonight, to be done with it.

Struggling to get up from the bed, she walked to the balcony holding on to her sore body.

It was so dark downstairs that I couldn't see anything clearly.

Death is really easy.

But it is too difficult to survive.

Xiao Ning closed her eyes, held on to the railing, and started to climb out. However, her legs were still stiff, and every time she moved, she felt excruciating pain - Bai Yeyuan was such a beast, and he always resorted to desperate measures.

Just when she was about to climb up the railing and jump down.


There was a rapid ringing in the room!

"Ring ring ring ring ring..."

She was caught off guard by the sound, her body swayed, and she was already weak, and she immediately rolled down the railing.


The body fell heavily to the cold ground of the balcony.

Before she even jumped off the building, she felt like her internal organs were going to be broken.

The cell phone ringtone is still ringing.

Xiao Ning sighed, stood up, walked slowly to the table, and picked up the phone——

"Hello? Miss Ningning." Fu Qingyun's serious and pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah." Xiao Ning didn't have much energy to deal with it.

"I'm sorry to bother you so late... I'm working overtime. I just received the news that Dahua Erhua's parents have been found. They rushed to the orphanage overnight to get to know their child. They didn't want the child to stay in the imperial capital for too long. We have already booked a flight back to the south early tomorrow morning. However, they are very grateful to you and want to thank you in person... If you are free tomorrow morning, I will take you to the airport to meet them, okay? "

Fu Qingyun's voice was firm and powerful. Even though it was late at night and he had worked all day, he was still full of energy.

He loves his work so much that he devotes his whole body and soul to his career.

Such a man, full of integrity and sunshine, made Xiao Ning look up to him, wanting to get closer but not daring to get close.

He is in the world of light.

And she was in the dark.

But no one in this world is born to like darkness. It is human nature to pursue light and freedom.

Listening to Fu Qingyun's upright voice, Xiao Ning couldn't help but cover her lips to hide her sobs.

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