Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2426: Keep flushing in the bathroom

Chapter 2428 Washing in the Bathroom

"Miss Ning Ning, are you listening to me?" Fu Qingyun couldn't help but ask softly.

After a while, Xiao Ning took a breath: "Yeah. I heard it. I'm not going. My family asked me not to go out for a while. Could you please see them off for me..."

Fu Qingyun said "Oh", feeling a touch of indescribable disappointment in his heart.

However, he did not show it, but agreed readily: "Okay. It's so late, you can rest. It's autumn, the weather is cold, so cover yourself with more quilts."

Xiao Ning nodded, her eyes instantly turning red again.

Hearing the delay in response from Xiao Ning, Fu Qingyun smiled bitterly: "I am redundant. You live with your family, and they should take good care of you. Your mother should pamper you very much, right? Listen to my colleague Say, your clothes and shoes are good."

Fu Qingyun didn't know why he mentioned this topic.

Maybe it was because he had never seen Xiao Ning wearing the shoes he bought, and he always felt a little unspeakable regret.

Then Assistant Xiao Huang reminded him that Miss Ningning's shoes also came from an unusual place. Maybe she was used to wearing this brand of high heels, so she didn't change to flat shoes.

Xiao Ning twitched her lips: "Well... he treats me... well."

If buying the most expensive clothes and shoes and never being stingy with spending money on her is good, then Bai Yeyuan is indeed good to her.

Unfortunately, life is not only about clothes and shoes, but also the long nights after the lights are turned off.

During those countless nights, all he gave her was endless torture in different ways.

Fu Qingyun saw that her tone was confused and she seemed very sleepy, so he did not disturb her again, but politely said good night to her and hung up the phone.

There was a cold silence in the room again.

Xiao Ning looked up at the railing of the balcony.

A few minutes ago, she had made up her mind to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

But Fu Qingyun interrupted her with a phone call.

Now that she calmed down, she realized how stupid the thought of suicide was.

As Fu Qingyun reminded, she still has a mother. If she dies, how can her mother live?

It is indeed difficult to survive, but if she lives, her mother can live well in the Xiao family, and her marriage with her father will not break up.

But if she dies...

She couldn't imagine what terrible consequences it would cause!

How could she be so cowardly, giving up her life so easily just to escape for a moment, and then leave the pain to the living?

She wiped the tears from her cheeks, stood up, and walked to the bathroom.

Although Bai Yeyuan had already washed her body, she still stubbornly scrubbed and rinsed it over and over again under the bathroom shower...

She wanted to wash away his smell...

She didn't sleep for a few hours that night and got up early in the morning.

I washed my face with cold water, and when I regained consciousness, I opened the review materials for the Bar Qualification Examination and read them carefully.

She figured out that living was much harder than dying.

If you choose the easy way out, it would be easiest to just close your eyes and jump off the building.

But she didn't want to be a coward.

As a human being, you should always try to resist fate, right?

As long as there is still a chance, she doesn't want to let it go...

She wants to obtain a lawyer's license, and she wants to find opportunities to leave Bai Yeyuan's control.

She could no longer waver on this difficult road.

The time for reading always passed easily. In the middle, Fu Qingyun got another message and sent her some photos.

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