Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2427 Helpless abandonment!

Chapter 242

The photo Fu Qingyun sent was a photo of him going to the airport to send two big flowers and two flowers on behalf of Xiao Ning.

In the photo, the children's faces were swollen like peaches from crying, but they sincerely smiled and expressed their love to her.

Fu Qingyun also said that the children will go to school again when they return, and there are charities willing to provide free treatment for their disabled limbs.

As long as they work hard, they will definitely be able to live a different life in the future. Even a bird with broken wings can have a chance to return to the blue sky.

Xiao Ning looked at the photo for a long time and said softly: "Let's work hard together! We can all do it!"

Isn't she also a bird whose wings were broken by Bai Yeyuan?

She also yearns to return to the blue sky!


It's approaching noon.

Mu Tianyu's call came in: "Little Lemon, are you okay?"

Xiao Ning didn't reply to the text message he sent last night, and he was worried.

Of course he didn't know that that text message had long been deleted by Bai Yeyuan.

Xiao Ning pulled her lips and said softly: "It's okay. It's you, were you okay yesterday? My uncle is a bit fierce, I'm afraid he will treat you..."

Mu Tianyu shook his head: "He didn't do anything to me. But, I'm worried about what he did to you..."

Xiao Ning smiled bitterly: "I'm really fine. My uncle just doesn't speak well. He's gone now. I'm reading and reviewing at home."

Mu Tianyu endured it, but was too embarrassed to ask what she and Bai Yeyuan did in the bathroom last night that took so long.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Ning was about to hang up the phone, and then he quickly got down to business: "That... regarding the case of Nannan's disappearance, I approached the director of the welfare home, and he promised to find a three-year-old child to help us collect evidence... … Ning Ning, do you want to come with me and pretend we are a family of three to defraud the stall owner of the inflatable castle?”

Xiao Ning was silent for a long time.

If it had been 24 hours ago, she would have agreed without hesitation.

But now.

She was locked up at home by Bai Yeyuan.

Every move will be reported to Bai Yeyuan by a servant.

How could she agree to Mu Tianyu's invitation? Even if she wanted to, she couldn't meet Mu Tianyu again and cause Bai Yeyuan to take revenge on Mu Tianyu!

She must keep a distance from brother Tianyu. She can bear such a hard life alone and not involve innocent people.

She pursed her lips and replied softly: "Brother Tianyu, go find a female colleague from the law firm. The clues to the case are already very clear. I believe another colleague can handle the case."

Xiao Ning was telling the truth.

The most difficult part of this case is to discover the secret passage mechanism of the bouncy castle. Now that Xiao Ning has made a start, as long as the rest of the matter is arranged properly, the case will definitely be solved.


"Ning Ning, if this case is completed, it will be selected into the top ten criminal litigation cases, and may even have a chance to compete for the most popular cases at the end of the year. It will have a greater impact than the dog abuse case you handled before. You really don't want to consider coming in person. Do you want to follow me?" Mu Tianyu persuaded her.

If the person in charge of the case is reported to someone else, he will have nothing to do with Xiao Ning, which is a pity.

There was a trace of reluctance in Xiao Ning's eyes, and she suppressed a sigh in her heart: "It doesn't matter, brother Tianyu, as long as Nannan can be rescued... it doesn't matter whether I win or not."

Mu Tianyu was helpless: "Okay then. I'll tell you when the results are obtained. You study hard at home and I'll visit you when I have time, okay?"

Xiao Ning's breath tightened: "No, no, you don't have to look at me! Well...that's it. Brother Tianyu, I'm still very busy, so I won't talk to you anymore."

She almost hung up the phone in a panic.

It took a long time to calm down the panic in my heart.

Although Bai Yeyuan was not around, his powerful oppressive aura never left her.

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