Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2430 Goodbye, uncle

Chapter 2432 Goodbye, uncle

She would not even study the true meaning of the two letters on the tail of the aircraft!

Xiao Ning lowered her eyes and roared silently in her heart.

However, the tears in his eyes could not help but flow more and more, and like broken pearls, they fell into the soup bowl...

She didn't listen to a word of Mrs. Bai's harsh words about her being a broom star and that the Bai family would be ruined sooner or later at her hands.

She also didn't care about Bai Qiangwei's arrangements for sending people to Italy to identify the body.

The outside world seemed to be isolated from her and had nothing to do with her. Her ears were ringing and she sat in her seat dumbfounded.

I do not know how long it has been.

The Bai family was all dispersed.

The servant came up to her in a low voice and asked her if she still wanted to drink the soup and if she wanted to heat up the food for her. Then she waved her arm mechanically: "Thank you, no."

She stood up holding on to the table and walked step by step towards the Little Red Building.

Her steps were a little shaky, and she stumbled halfway.

When passing by Bai Yeyuan's room on the second floor, she stood silently at the door for a moment without opening the door.

In this room, he had had sex with her not long ago. She remembered that it was a morning, the sun was shining brightly, and she used all her strength to seduce him, just to prevent him from seeing the secret of the headlines of the breakfast newspaper.

Then he took the bait.

Bai Yeyuan, who is said to be the most cold and ruthless, took the bait.

Only that morning, under his gentle manipulation, she seemed to taste the difference between men and women for a moment.

Unfortunately, that experience was too short-lived.

What's more, now, everything has disappeared.

The hand of fate has undergone earth-shaking changes overnight, and God's will is truly unpredictable.

Xiao Ning lowered her eyes for a moment, then softly uttered a few words: "Uncle, goodbye."


Take a deep breath, turn around and quickly go upstairs.

She threw herself into the bed hard and wrapped herself in a thick quilt.

She did not read or review any more books that night.

She has a fever.

I tossed and turned and talked nonsense all night.

One time the fever reached 41 degrees.

Sweat soaked the entire quilt.

His hands and feet even twitched slightly.

However, because of Bai Yeyuan's plane crash, the Bai family was in chaos and no one noticed her at all.

She was alone in the room, burning hot and delirious, and no one even looked at her.

The food left by the servant at the door was left untouched. When the time came, it was automatically taken away by the next servant and thrown into the trash can.

She had fever for two days and two nights, and was hungry for two days and two nights.

During the most difficult time, I crawled to the bathroom in a daze to drink water, but as soon as I got out of bed, I fell down.

Fortunately, there was a mini water dispenser beside the bed. She lay on the floor, turned on the cold water switch of the dispenser, and drank large gulps of water to stay alive.

Who put this water dispenser here for her?

Why doesn't she remember?

Before the night when Bai Yeyuan bullied her with a cigar in the bathroom, there was no water dispenser in her bedroom.

She only discovered this after he left.

After two days and two nights, her fever finally subsided.

I'm just so hungry that I don't have any strength in my body, and I can't even do such a simple action as picking up the mobile phone on the table.

It was Mu Tianyu who couldn't get through her phone calls for two consecutive days and couldn't contact her. He thought Bai Yeyuan had done something to her again, so he anxiously broke into Bai's house to look for her, and then he took her out of the bedroom...

"Ning Ning! Why are they bullying you like this! Did that bastard Bai Yeyuan do it?!" Mu Tianyu felt heartbroken when he looked at Xiao Ning, who had obviously lost weight and had a haggard look on his face.

Xiao Ning pulled her lips weakly: "It's not him...Brother Tianyu, my uncle...will never come back to bully me again."

Mu Tianyu hugged the light Xiao Ning and looked at the glint of light that was about to appear in her eyes. For a moment, he felt so complicated that he didn't know how to respond!

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