Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2431 Gong Jue broke the big news [must read]

Chapter 2433 Gong Jue broke the big news [must read]

After a few days, Xiao Ning finally stepped out of the Bai family's door.

Something happened to Bai Yeyuan, so naturally, there was no servant or secretary to monitor Xiao Ning anymore.

Mu Tianyu took her out to see a doctor, prescribed medicine, and gave her a room in the best hotel so she could have a good night's rest.

The next day, Xiao Ning's body had almost recovered.

Her body is actually very healthy and her resilience is very strong.

How many times did she think she was going to be killed by Bai Yeyuan, but in the end she recovered well without leaving any scars on her body.

She picked up her books again and reviewed for the judicial examination.

Mu Tianyu told her that Nannan's case was settled. He found a female colleague from the law firm and a child from the welfare home, pretended to be a family of three, and recorded the whole story of the child being swallowed and the stall owner transporting the child out late at night. process.

The stall owner was immediately arrested, and a powerful figure in the imperial capital who helped him behind the scenes was also revealed. There were about 20 businesses in the entire imperial capital that relied on children's inflatable castles to steal and sell children. All of them were caught in one sweep. All were rescued and found. More than a hundred children who have disappeared in recent years have been returned.

Nannan was found in an Orion family in the mountains of the west. It is said that she was bought as a child bride. When she grows up, she will be the wife of the five sons of this Orion family.

There is no way, the empire is too poor in the mountains, and the wives are bought.

This family was particularly poor and could not afford more daughters-in-law, so they had to share it among the brothers.

When Nannan was found, she was dirty, her face was bruised and bruised, her eyes were dull, and she could hardly recognize her mother.

But when her mother hugged her and pressed her face with tears streaming down her face, she finally cried loudly: "Mom, I'm afraid of... the darkness... beating..."

In just a few words, the two-year-old child was taken away by evil people and sold all the way. During the past six months, he was imprisoned, beaten, and sold again and again.

Even Mu Tianyu, a grown man, couldn't help but have red eyes and choked up in his voice when he relayed all this to Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning sniffed.

He said in a hoarse voice: "It'll be good if you find it, it'll be good if you find it..."

This is the third official case she has handled since joining the industry.

Although it was later taken over by someone else and was in someone else's name, she was very pleased to see that the result was so perfect.

Because the review schedule for the exam was very tight, she did not go to work at the law firm or go back to Bai's house in the next time. Instead, she concentrated on reviewing in the hotel.


One day big news spread in the imperial capital!

Someone saw Gong Jue, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the empire, turning into a wolf again!

In fact, this news had been quietly circulating a week ago.

It is said that there was a newspaper headline a week ago, showing a blurry photo of Gong Jue "turning into a wolf".

It's just that it's too unclear. Some people think it's a deliberate slander, disguised by someone with ulterior motives. It only caused gossip for a while and then stopped.

This time, someone directly took a high-definition picture. It is said that it was on the balcony of Gongjue's holiday villa by the sea. The person and location were very precise, and even the nails on his hands were clearly visible.

It’s the Lord Gong, that’s right!

At this time, the entire empire was in chaos.

It turns out that Sir Alex insisted on resigning as commander-in-chief of the armed forces because he could no longer control himself and had turned into a wolf again?

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! The countdown to the finale, I kindly ask you fairies not to skip chapters, otherwise you will really miss important chapters. For example, in this chapter, do the fairies remember why the newspaper headlines contained the news that Sir Alex transformed into a wolf? What day's headlines are they? For those of you who know, please don’t spoil it, just laugh! 】

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