Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2432 Who is trampling on Sir Alex's reputation?

Chapter 2434 Who is trampling on Sir Alex's reputation?

Gong Jue's treason case has obviously been vindicated for a long time, and the rumors of his so-called wolf transformation and murder were also refuted on the spot in court. There was also Chu Junmo's personal testimony before his death, proving that those black material videos were slander with ulterior motives. .

This case has been going on for so long, why was it suddenly revealed that Sir Alex is a werewolf?

And just when Sir Alex Ferguson voluntarily resigned as commander-in-chief of the armed forces?

Is this to add fuel to the flames and get the cabinet to fully approve Sir Alex Ferguson's resignation so that Sir Alex Ferguson can never return to the position of commander-in-chief?

Do you want to trample Sir Alex to death completely?

Xiao Ning felt a little heavy when she saw the news in the newspaper, and couldn't help but think to herself.

Since starting to work, her way of looking at problems has also changed a lot. She doesn't just look at things on the surface, but thinks more about them.

Who is behind this plot against Sir Alex?

Does Qiqi know?

Xiao Ning put down her book and called Gu Qiqi.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qiqi's voice on the phone was not heavy at all, and could even be said to be relaxed: "Little Lemon, why are you looking for me when you have time? Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that your perverted little uncle finally died. Thunder struck, you are free now!"

Xiao Ning twitched the corners of her lips and said subconsciously: "Maybe he is also your uncle..."

If Bai Qiangwei and Qi Qi are really related by blood, then Bai Yeyuan is indeed Qi Qi's biological uncle.

Gu Qiqi chuckled: "Don't! Don't mention such a horrible thing! That's not right, little Lemon, you actually defend that scumbag in front of me? You won't forget what he did to you, right? You've endured it for so many years Aren't you happy that you finally don't have to endure it anymore? Why do I feel that you are in a depressed mood? Did I hear you wrong? "

Xiao Ning bit her lip: "..."

Yes, she should be so happy that she cries.

Finally, no one humiliated her and forced her to have such large-scale love.

But she didn't smile with joy. Isn't this a bit abnormal?

Does she have masochistic tendencies?


Absolutely not!

But why can't she be happy?

She doesn't know it herself! Can't tell!

She shook, not wanting to delve into this complicated issue, and pursed her lips and said: "Qiqi, I called to ask about you and Sir Alex. I saw the news in the newspaper, Sir Alex... you still Okay? Is there anything I can help with? If there is anything that is inconvenient for you to come forward to investigate, I can do it! I have experience in investigating cases now..."

Gu Qiqi's heart felt warm. This little best friend of hers had a strong sense of justice and was extremely loyal to her friends, but...

Gu Qiqi smiled slightly: "No, little lemon, I know this well. You, enjoy the taste of freedom and do what you want to do. Well, isn't the judicial examination about to start in a short time?" How's your review going?"

Xiao Ning was embarrassed: "There are still some details of tax law that I haven't figured out yet. I'm still studying..."

Gu Qiqi: "Come on! Master Xiao Ning!"

It was Xiao Ning who originally called to care about Qiqi and Jueye, but somehow the call ended with Qiqi cheering Xiao Ning for the exam.

Xiao Ning also didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, when she thought about it, Qiqi had always been a very thoughtful woman, and Xiao Ning felt a little more at ease.

Maybe there is another reason for Sir Alex's case?


Here, Gu Qiqi hung up Xiao Ning's phone. Before she could take a breath, Adjutant Lu's phone came in urgently——

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