Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2437: They want to perform cesarean surgery!

This photo of Lord Zhang transforming into a wolf made Xiao Ning feel uncomfortable even through the screen - Qi Qi must feel even more distressed, right?

However, she moved her eyes to Gu Qiqi, who was quite calm!

Qiqi and Gong Jue's fingers were clasped together, their eyes meeting each other from time to time. The two of them didn't care at all about these clowns jumping up and down.

Xiao Ning couldn't help but secretly think that if one day she saw the man she loved being brought to court, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to be as calm as Qiqi, and her hands would be shaking with nervousness.

Meng Dameng's statement was very long-winded and lengthy, the photos were shown over and over again, and the denouncement of the palace prince was also repeated over and over again.

In the end, the jury became impatient, and the judge even yawned: "Just tell us the conclusion, Meng Dameng!"

Meng Dameng: "Our conclusion is - Gong Jue is a wolf and not a human. Not only can he not be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces for the rest of his life, he must also be put in prison immediately and let biologists conduct anatomy and research on him to see if he is a mutant species or not. Endangering the safety of our species!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole audience roared with "Wow!"

Gu Qiqi's eyes turned cold.

These people are getting really greedy.

Now he not only covets Gong Jue's position as commander, but also wants to send Gong Jue to the prison's anatomy laboratory. Is this treating Gong Jue as a monster?

What a greedy person!

The judge knocked his gavel: "Quiet! Quiet!"

He turned to Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue: "Do you admit the accuser's accusation? Gong Jue, do you admit that you are a wolf?"

Gong Jue narrowed his eyes, with a hint of contempt and a hint of laziness in his eyes: "Admit it."

The judge was startled: "You...are you pleading guilty?"

Damn it, this will be the first case in his career that ends within five seconds of the defendant speaking.


He soon learned that he had thought too much.

I just heard Gong Jue say something unhurriedly: "I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you in a hurry? Are you asking me if I am a wolf? Of course I am a wolf to my wife. What man is not like a wolf to his wife?" , that must be a mutilated man! I am very healthy!"


The jury in the audience couldn't hold back their laughter.

The tense atmosphere just now was suddenly relaxed due to Gong Jue's cynical jokes.

Even Gu Qiqi smiled angrily and glared at him: Stupid man, Minato is shameless!

The corners of the judge's lips twitched.

However, there was nothing wrong with Gong Jue's words.

His arrogance made people want to slap him, but he didn't utter any curse words, and the judge couldn't do anything to him.

Just when the judge had a gloomy look on his face, he was about to vent his dissatisfaction by scolding the palace lord with a few words.

The foreman of the jury, the Vice President, spoke, with kind wrinkles on his smiling face: "Your Honor, the defendant is very humorous, which seems harmless to me, haha. Don't worry about it. I see that the plaintiff and defendant just expressed their feelings. We are clear about the plaintiff’s request, and we are also clear about the defendant’s attitude of not pleading guilty. Now, should we seize the time and ask the jury members to express their opinions?”

The vice president spoke clearly and clearly, and said that Gong Jue's humor was obviously a relief for Gong Jue. Xiao Ning on the other end of the phone felt relieved.

It seems that the Vice President is indeed here to support Sir Alex.

Now she can rest assured about the case.

If the Vice President deliberately made things difficult for the Duke, he would not be able to stop the judge from scolding the Lord, which would make the Lord lose face.

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