Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2438 Disappeared out of thin air!

Chapter 2440 Disappeared out of thin air!

The judge then suppressed the urge to scold Gong Jue and nodded: "Just follow the vice president's suggestion and ask the jury to ask questions and cross-examine the plaintiff and defendant!"

Jury questions and cross-examination are important parts of the trial.

Especially in Gong Jue's werewolf case, in the end even the judge had to accept the jury's conclusion.

Therefore, during the cross-examination session, the jury can ask tricky questions about both parties from various angles, and then make their own judgments and conclude that the defendant is guilty or innocent.

Xiao Ning looked carefully at the questions asked by each member of the jury on the screen.

While he was concentrating on his study, suddenly, a short cry for help came from his ears: "Ah, help -!"

As soon as the cry started, it suddenly stopped.

In this quiet alley, it is especially clear and eerie.

Xiao Ning looked away from her phone, stood at the entrance of the alley, and glanced in.

Silence returned to the depths of the alley.

She put away her phone and instinctively walked towards the source of the sound.

At first he took tentative steps, and then started running wildly.

Because she suddenly realized that this alley seemed deserted, but just now three little boys of four or five years old walked in, making a fuss.

That "help" just now, was it a child fighting or being naughty? What happened?

Isn’t it said that three- and four-year-old children are the most worrying? Three and four years old, even cats and dogs hate it!

She quickened her pace and walked deeper into the alley.

This is the old city of the imperial capital. The alleys are decades or even hundreds of years old, with twists and turns, complicated routes and sparsely populated areas.

The sun couldn't reach the depths of the alley, and the further we walked, the colder it became.

Xiao Ning was only thinking about the children, but she was not afraid at all.

It's just that this crazy run all the way quickly came to an end - it was a dead end alley.

At the end is a wall!

"That's not right...where are the children? They are not tall.

It's impossible to get out over the wall... There's no one else here, and it's logically impossible to be taken away... Where did he go? Disappeared into thin air? "

Xiao Ning was very strange.

Searched around with no results.

She walked back sadly, ready to continue watching the progress of the palace trial.

After taking five or six steps, my steps suddenly stopped!

A terrible suspicion suddenly flashed through her mind.

She recalled the experience of going to the children's inflatable castle to play when she and Mu Tianyu were investigating the disappearance of her daughter, and suddenly fell into the hidden hole of the inflatable castle's mechanism.

It also reminded me of the experience of Dahua Erhua, who was knocked unconscious and stuffed into a cleaning garbage truck to be transported out of the shopping mall because she went to the toilet within a few minutes without her mother looking after her.

The disappearance of these children all happened in an instant.

They are all in very secret places, unexpected places, and the methods of disappearance are also unexpected.

Just like... what she sees now!

Disappear into thin air!


She looked around and saw that there were indeed no security cameras in the alley, which meant that nothing that happened in the alley would be recorded.

The missing child will only become an unsolved case.

Xiao Ning's heartbeat accelerated.

Even though she had already handled two important cases of child abduction and missing children, this was the first time that she saw three living children disappear in front of her!

what to do?

Her conscience prevented her from leaving, pretending that this never happened and that she never knew about it.

Xiao Ning almost didn't hesitate, immediately turned around and ran into the alley again.

Her footsteps finally stopped on a sewer manhole cover.

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