Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2439: The genius’ trap, she fell into it

Chapter 2441 The genius’ trap, she fell into it

Perhaps it was a woman's natural intuition, or perhaps it was the two recent cases that gave her an indescribable sense of familiarity.

Anyway, she locked onto this seemingly ordinary sewer manhole cover.

If it is impossible to leave on earth and in heaven, what about underground?

Is it possible that there is a cave under the sewer manhole cover?

Xiao Ning tested it, stepped on it with both feet, and groped hard on the manhole cover.

One lap...

Two laps...

Three laps...

Just when she almost gave up hope.

Suddenly, her toes lightly touched the center of the manhole cover, and she suddenly sank. Unexpectedly, the manhole cover flipped downwards, and she fell completely inside!

"Bang——!" The manhole cover closed again like a spring.

It turns out that the mechanism is in the middle, so you need to use lighter force.

As Xiao Ning fell, she thought calmly - this manhole cover must be specially designed for falling children.

Because of the adult's weight, no matter how hard he steps on the manhole cover, the mechanism will not open.

Instead, it takes a gentle touch like a child to trigger the mechanism.

This achieves the purpose of screening target objects, right?

It can also be concealed enough that passers-by who accidentally break in will not notice the clues.

Xiao Ning almost admired this mechanism designer. Such a genius trap was definitely not something ordinary people could create.


She fell to the bottom of the well.

Just as she had guessed, the bottom of the well was not a real sewer, but a dry secret passage that extended in all directions and led nowhere.

Or perhaps, this was once part of the city's sewer system.

As a result, it was taken advantage of by some people and turned into a sinful channel.


Even such an important infrastructure in a city has the ability to be modified and used for criminal purposes. How awesome must this manipulator behind the scenes be?

Xiao Ning couldn't help but sigh.

She rubbed her butt that hurt from the fall, gritted her teeth and stood up.

There are several roads in front of you.

She didn't know which one to take.


With the faint light, she saw one of the forks in the road, and a bow tie of English plaid fabric fell in the middle.

She raised her eyebrows!

She remembered that of the three missing little boys, one of them was more polite and well-dressed. He was wearing a white shirt and a bow tie of English plaid fabric around his neck.

The little boy tore it off and threw it here on purpose.

This is marking the route that I have lost!

At this moment, Xiao Ning had to sigh, this little boy is really great.

In such a crisis situation, you can still secretly leave a mark, so your family education must be excellent.

This little boy has such a strong desire to live, she must help him!

Xiao Ning mustered up the courage to walk along the road.

The road ahead was dark, but she was full of courage.

This was the first time since the news of Bai Yeyuan's death that she had started to do something so full of fighting spirit and intention.

You know, she has been a little absent-minded even during the review for the judicial examination recently, and she can't calm down.

She has to work hard to save her three children.

Because she heard Bai Qiangwei say that doing good deeds in this world, especially the good deeds of saving someone's life, not only accumulates good deeds for yourself, but also accumulates good deeds for your deceased relatives, so that your relatives can live a better life in another world. better.

Uncle, no matter what, I hope you will rest in peace and live a better life...


in court.

The atmosphere gradually became sharper.

The jury was not the only one that supported Gong Jue. In fact, most of the people were distrustful and hostile towards Gong Jue who turned into a wolf.

After all, those who are not of my race must have different minds.

If the lord is really a wolf, then even if he is the God of War, they will stay away from him!

At this moment, a juror stood up and asked sharp questions——

[Master Yun: 8 more chapters. Did you feel happy when your uncle died? Ahem, lemon doesn't seem very happy, what should I do? Should she quickly put a good-looking, physically strong little brother in her bed? Goodnight kiss! Please give me your monthly pass ̄ ̄]

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