Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2444: Reach out to touch Xiao Ning’s face

Face No. 244

The child's voice clearly belonged to another rude boy who bumped into Xiao Ning before.

That is to say, the one who impatiently told the gentle boy to shut up, said that there was something good ahead of him, and asked the gentle boy to stop apologizing and leave quickly.

Xiao Ning's heart pounded, and a very bad guess came to her mind——

So, this rude boy is actually working with the man who kidnapped the child?

And that gentle boy and his younger brother are complete victims?

Oh my god, nowadays it is no longer enough to use traps to kidnap children, but they also use live peers as bait?

A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Xiao Ning's spine!

This kind of abduction method is really hard to guard against!

She carefully identified the voices in front of her until she was completely sure that there was only one man who carried out the kidnapping, and a little boy who helped with the abduction. The remaining two boys were just victims, a total of four people in front of her!

She then quickened her pace to follow.

If there are too many enemies, he will definitely not be able to do it, but with two, one big and one small, she can handle it!

Xiao Ning used the dim light in front to see the terrain clearly.

When the other party turned a corner, she stepped forward, grabbed the rude boy at the end, grabbed his neck, and dragged him over!

Before the rude boy could make a cry for help, she had already neatly stuffed his mouth with a piece of cloth.

Get one.

She tied the boy's hands and feet, placed them against the wall, and continued to walk forward quietly.

The man was using a rope to lead the tied twin boys like a dog.

As long as the twin brothers walked a little slower, he would kick their buttocks and scold them fiercely: "No matter what kind of foreign young master you were before, you are just a cat or a dog here! Hurry up! Keep going!" I will stuff you directly into the stinking ditch of the sewer and drown you!"

The twin brothers were still young, so how could they know that this man was just scaring them, and that he expected to make money by selling them.

As soon as they heard that they would drown, they walked forward honestly, but their mouths were so painful and burning because of the tape. As they walked, they couldn't help but shed tears.

Xiao Ning followed behind, scolding this man who was worse than a pig or a dog ten thousand times in her heart.

In order not to hurt the children, she finally caught the man's chance to free up a hand to scratch the itch. With nimble hands and feet, she took a step forward and cut off the "dog leash" with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Then he stabbed with his backhand and put the blade directly on the man's neck!

The coldness of the blade and the terrible feeling of the skin being cut and bleeding out made the man stop breathing and instinctively wailed: "Sir, spare my life! Spare your life!"

Xiao Ning ignored him, but held the man hostage with one hand and helped the twin brothers with the other, tearing off the tape on their mouths: "It's okay, you guys walked 200 steps on the way back and forth, and I tied up the little brat who tricked you into a trap. Yes, you drag him over. Remember, you must not remove the cloth from his mouth. If the cloth is dropped by him, then you must be more vigilant. No matter how sweet he talks, don't believe him! He brought me here, do you understand?"

The twin boys recognized her: "It's you... little sister! Well, let's do it!"

This young lady saved them and even beat up the bad guys. She is so handsome!

The twin boys walked away.

When the man realized that Xiao Ning was a woman, and a young woman at that, he suddenly became less nervous than before.

He even smiled playfully and stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Ning's face: "Little sister, what do you want to do with your elder brother? Is my name of Brother Kun very familiar to you? Come on, put down the knife. The benefits are indispensable to you, Brother Kun." !”

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