Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2445: The arrogant female prince is so scary!

Chapter 2447 The arrogant female prince is so scary!

Brother Kun was still smiling playfully, stretching out his big pig's hooves, teasing Xiao Ning, teasing her to be his eldest brother's woman.

Who knew, Xiao Ning sneered and directly moved the blade an inch in!

Although the main artery in his neck was not severed, it was actually cut into his collarbone!

The pain was a hundred times more terrifying than scraping bones for healing!

At that time, the man couldn't bear it anymore, and he cried out in pain and begged for mercy: "No, no, no, please, spare my life, my heroine!"

The key point on his neck was pinched by this stinky girl, and he really had to give in. The big fat pig's hooves honestly shrank back.

Blood trickled down in streams.

Xiao Ning, however, was as calm as ice: "Brother Insect? You're nothing! I'm afraid you are not qualified to hear my name, Mr. Xiao Ning! If you dare to do business behind my back, don't you think you have it on your neck?" Too many heads?!”

Master Xiao Ning?

Which female prince is this?

The man desperately searched for these words in his mind. He had been in the world for so many years, and he had never come into contact with a woman who was so ruthless, and she was still such a young woman.

Could it be that she is really a relatively high-ranking eldest sister in the world?

The man's sneaky eyes were quietly looking at Xiao Ning through the dim light of the mobile phone screen.

Needless to say, this girl looks young, but her shirt collar is tilted to one side, her lipstick is only half applied, she is chewing gum, her hair is messy and arrogant, she looks evil and charming, she really looks like a female prince in the world. .

The man believed Xiao Ning's words somewhat.

He responded weakly: "Xiao... Mr. Xiao Ning, I, Akun, am just here to make some pocket money, so just be fine and let Akun go. At worst, I will split the money earned by Akun in half with you, okay?" good?"

Xiao Ning narrowed her eyes: "Half and half?"

Although she usually looks quiet and petite, in fact... before Bai Yeyuan didn't bully her, she was a very free and unrestrained girl.

Since childhood, I have followed Yun Qiao, the daughter of a miner who is not afraid of anything.

With Gu Qiqi, who didn't say anything at all, the three of them were always having fun, racing and getting into fights! Otherwise, she wouldn't be known as "Master Xiao Ning".

Of course, she and Yun Qiao were usually the ones acting as monsters, and Qiqi helped them deal with the aftermath in a low-key and thoughtful manner.

However, since her life was controlled by Bai Yeyuan, she never had the chance to be domineering.

She seemed to have changed from a blooming peony to a withered dried flower.

It still looks good, but it has lost its fresh flavor.

At this moment, in order to restrain this bastard named Akun, Xiao Ning deliberately put on lipstick and tousled his hair before taking action. Even his clothes were as wild and charming as when he was racing, and his expression and voice were even more dramatic. Back to the character of Mr. Xiao Ning.

This familiar taste...

So cool!

When Akun heard Xiao Ning's gloomy "Half and Half" rhetorical question, his neck couldn't help but tremble!

The scalpel was still on his neck. If he did anything wrong, Xiao Ning would cut off his aorta and he would die in a few dozen seconds.

He swallowed.

Even the swallowing movements were careful, for fear of shaking the blade!

"Xiao... Mr. Xiao Ning, if you don't mind, I will give you all my income from this trip! Here you go! Twenty thousand yuan, a total of twenty thousand yuan for the two children. I don't want a penny, I will give it all to you!"

"A child is only sold for 10,000 yuan? Are you kidding me?" Xiao Ning narrowed her eyes.

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