Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2446 Let her never come back!

Chapter 2448 Let her never come back!

When Xiao Ning heard the price of 20,000 yuan, she became even more certain that there was a big boss behind this man.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to get only this small amount of money.

After the Dahua case, she already knew clearly that on the black market, the price of a four- or five-year-old child should be around 50,000, and the price for a delicate-looking child would be even higher. What's more, these are twins with excellent bloodlines and good upbringing. These evil people are even more frantic in using children to steal money.

She said calmly: "Where are you doing business with the buyer? Take me there. I want to collect the money personally!"

Akun said with a bitter face: "I really didn't lie to you, Mr. Xiao Ning. If I wanted to lie to you, it would strike like lightning! Really!"

Xiao Ning snorted coldly.

She has been with Bai Yeyuan for so long, and although he has never taught her the principles of doing business, she has learned it through her ears and eyes, and she also understands the simplest and most basic principle of trading - if you can believe what you say, the sow will climb the tree.

All transactions must be real, and verbal guarantees are just bullshit.


Xiao Ning kicked him hard: "Be honest, if you don't take me there, I will kill you and drown you in the sewer. I will ask you to bring that little helper to lead me there! Do you think this is an idea? Very good, huh?"

Unknowingly, she had also been infected with Bai Yeyuan's dark side, and she liked to use a gloomy tone with an upward pitch to threaten people.

When she realized that this habit of hers came from Bai Yeyuan, an almost imperceptible slight pain flashed through her eyes.

Uncle, even if you are no longer in this world, I still can't get rid of your shadow, right?

She took a deep breath and forced herself to focus on dealing with Akun.

Akun was so frightened by Xiao Ning, how dare he refuse to agree?

At this moment, he was like the twins he had frightened before. He was afraid that Xiao Ning would get upset and really kill him in the sewer. Then no one would find him when he rotted into a pile of bones.

This sewer is simply a natural place to commit crimes.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there, I'll take you there right now! Can you wait a moment and let me make a call? We've wasted a little time.

I'm afraid he thinks something happened to me and I'm gone! "

Akun requested tremblingly.

Xiao Ning thought about it and realized that this request was reasonable: "That's right! If you have something to say, say it quickly!"

Akun quickly dialed the number and discussed with the person on the phone in a nice voice: "Mr. Fang, wait for me, I will bring the goods to you right now! Yes, yes, I will definitely be there in half an hour! Just wait for me... …I’m fine here, it’s just that the kids are naughty…!”

There was a beeping sound.

Xiao Ning cut off his phone: "There's so much nonsense, hurry up and leave! Also, give me your phone!"

Akun tugged his lips and handed over his cell phone obediently.

Xiao Ning removed the battery and threw his phone directly into the sewer drain.

Akun's eyes flickered and he remained silent.

Damn it, this woman might be really a promiscuous person. Her ability to destroy corpses and wipe out traces is a 666!

Is this because he's afraid that he'll set his position and let his accomplices come to surround her?



So what if we meet again in mixed society? Not a woman yet?

I am a grown man, how can I be controlled by a woman?

How shameless!

He gritted his teeth and cursed, thinking to himself, stinky girl, as long as you dare to follow me, I will sell you as well!

The person he just called to inform was not a buyer at all.

But his online.

The boss who commands these little minions—Boss Fang!

He doesn't have to offend Xiao Ning or resist Xiao Ning. He just needs to lead Xiao Ning to Boss Fang's territory, hehehe.

Boss Fang's place is a place you can never return to!

Xiao Ning waited for the twin brothers to come back with the rude boy. After they met, they walked towards the exit of the sewer...

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! Thank you fairies for the votes you gave me! I heard that rewards have been changed to sending blades, I’m afraid! Please let me go...]

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