Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2447 Experiment on Living Humans!

Chapter 2449 Experiment on Living Humans!

Xiao Ning asked Akun to lead the way, hoping to meet the buyer and prove him guilty of kidnapping and trafficking children.

Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue were already waiting for the news that the court would be held again.

In order to reach an authoritative conclusion in the werewolf case, the court also took great pains, quickly contacted the largest wildlife base in the imperial capital, and opened the wild wolf activity area for the court to conduct on-site experiments.

The court chartered ten buses to transport the jury and everyone in the gallery and drove into the wild wolf activity area.

The imperial capital has always done a good job in protecting wildlife. In the closed wild wolf activity area, groups of wild wolves run and chase each other, which is no different from the wolves living in the wild.

They were used to seeing languid and listless wolves in cages in zoos. Now seeing such a lively and vigorous real wild wolf, even the jury members couldn't help but be a little alert.

Everyone is worried:

"The Vice President is already old. If this continues, will he really be fine?"

"These wolves look very ferocious. What if...I mean what if their aggression is really aroused and blood splatters on the spot?"

"Oh my God, even if the werewolf Gong Jue goes down, why should a kind and fair old man like the Vice President have to take risks with him?"

"Gong Jue is really too much. It would be better if he just admits his guilt. How can he be a man if he injures others?"

"That's right! It's so shameless to conduct human experiments and drag people into the water..."

Listening to these people's chattering remarks, Gu Qiqi had no intention of paying attention to them.

But the more no one stopped them, the more these people talked more and more energetically.

You must know that the court hearing is broadcast live across the country, and even the wildlife park experiment process will be broadcast live. The so-called remarks of these people will spread to the Internet, and it will create a good rhythm!

Gu Qiqi's eyes turned cold, and she raised her voice: "It's not my noble family's idea to do experiments on human beings! Some people are shameless and want to take risks, and there's nothing I can do to stop them..."

Everyone looked at each other and closed their mouths a little embarrassed.

Gu Qiqi was right.

It was one of the jurors who first proposed the idea of ​​conducting human experiments.

The vice president wanted to go down personally, and he stood up and agreed to it.

In this matter, Gong Jue seemed to really follow the crowd and didn't make any special demands.

On the Internet, different voices also appeared at this time!

One group believes that Gong Jue is seeking death, and wishes that Gong Jue would end up being bitten to death by a wolf; the other group firmly believes that Gong Jue is innocent, but opposes this cruel method of proof!

While everyone was arguing, the judge wiped his sweat, arrived at the scene in a special car, and announced through the intercom that the trial had officially begun again!

And he calmly reassured everyone: "Don't worry too much, our court has made sufficient preparations to ensure the safety of the Vice President and Gong Jue. This is just a test to compare how the two would react in a wolf pack, not We really let the two of them get bitten, don’t worry everyone..."


rest assured?

Everyone couldn't believe it.

But soon, everyone knew the judge’s intention.

It turned out that the judge prepared two cranes.

Tie Gong Jue and the Vice President with safety belts around their waists, and use a crane to drop them near the wolves.

Once a pack of wolves comes to attack, the crane will react extremely quickly and lift the person directly out of danger.

And there is a car next to it, with a dedicated animal trainer holding a tranquilizer gun, who is fully prepared to release the tranquilizer gun to stun the wolves once the situation becomes uncontrollable...

Well, it looks much safer this way!

Everyone gradually calmed down the discussion.

Only Gu Qiqi glanced at the two cranes and the animal trainer holding the tranquilizer gun, with a strange look in her eyes.

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