Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2448 An unexpected bite!

Chapter 2450 An unexpected bite!

Really safe?


Gu Qiqi remained calm, her palms slowly curled into fists

The little dirty turtle felt Gu Qiqi's mood and took the initiative to ask for instructions in her ear: "Master Yin, let me go over and take a look. I will take care of it if necessary!"

Gu Qiqi nodded, told it a few words, and let it go.

The little dirty turtle now had abundant color spots and much stronger mobility. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

The next second, he was already standing high on Gong Jue's crane!

Well, the boss said that fat old man can do tricks, but I want to see what tricks he can do, hum!

At this time, Gong Jue and the Vice President had already fastened their seat belts respectively, and were pulled out of the cabs of the two vehicles by the long ropes of the crane.

Behind him, the jury and everyone in the auditorium riding in the sealed bus held their breath and stared at the two people for a moment.

The wolves were just a few dozen meters away, looking for food with their heads down.

They had just hunted an old goat and were tearing it apart. Some had broken off a leg, while others were devouring the internal organs.

There was too little mutton and too many wolves, and fighting soon broke out.

One group won the victory and shared the remaining mutton, while the other group of about forty or fifty wolves stood unhappily on the outside, licking their tongues and salivating.

Hungry wolves are in desperate need of new food sources!

At this moment, Gong Jue and the Vice President landed only a few dozen meters away from them!

The breath of human beings penetrated the noses of the wolves with the wind.

The alpha wolf suddenly turned around, his dark green eyes still shining brightly even in broad daylight!



The howl of the alpha wolf is the summons, and one sound is as close as the other.

The wolves gathered quickly,

It rubbed its front legs, swung its tail in an attacking posture, and attacked Gong Jue and the Vice President!

The pack of wolves attacking Gong Jue suddenly got a meal ten meters away from Gong Jue!

Someone from the jury immediately pointed at someone, for fear that the live audience wouldn’t be able to see it:

"Look, those wolves recognized Gong Jue as the same kind! Gong Jue is a werewolf!"

"That's right! This human experiment is so good! There is no doubt that Gong Jue is a werewolf! Look at the Vice President, how ferocious the wolf is!"

"Oh, why don't you hang up the vice president quickly and throw the palace prince into a pile of wolves? If he is a wolf, he will be locked up with the wolves in the zoo forever!"

Upon seeing this, the judge immediately ordered the crane driver: "Hang the Vice President up. There is no need to test him."

Gu Qiqi glanced briefly and said nothing, but she deeply remembered the speakers.

She turned around and continued to stare at Gong Jue.

Stupid man, stop playing around and be serious, okay?

I saw Gong Jue and Wolf looking at each other for three seconds.

He put away the fierce aura around him and gave the wolves a look lazily and secretly.

The alpha wolf was startled, then flicked his ears, as if he had received some kind of order, led the wolves behind him, and continued to rush towards Gong Jue!

Everyone in the jury was shocked, and everyone covered their mouths: "This, this, this is impossible. Gong Jue is obviously a werewolf, how can a wolf bite a wolf!"

Someone even screamed and pointed at the vice president: "Oh my God, something happened! The rope of the crane is loose! It's loose! The wolf is coming to bite him!"

"Is this Gong Jue's conspiracy? Gong Jue tampered with the crane, right? Gong Jue did it on purpose! He wants to put the Vice President to death, so cruel!"

"Judge, save people quickly! Fire the tranquilizer gun to kill the wolf! The wolfish ambition of Lord Gong has been exposed. There is no need to test it!"

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