Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2449: Accidentally Shooting Gong Jue

Chapter 2451 Accidentally Shooting Gong Jue

Just when a group of people were beating up the rhythm, criticizing Gong Jue, and begging the judge to order the use of tranquilizer guns to rescue the Vice President...

Gu Qiqi spoke calmly, with sharp eyes: "I don't care if you want to protect the Vice President, but why are you stepping on my Lord in a rhythm? My Lord's crane rope is also loose, why don't you see any concern? Do you still have any sense of humanity? ? I think you are worse than wolves, you are simply cold-blooded animals! Who is responsible for this rope? I think we need to investigate it!"

Adjutant Lu immediately started talking to him: "Back to Miss Qiqi, this crane and the animal trainer who can administer anesthesia are both sent by the Veterinary Hospital Affiliated to the Wildlife Park..."

Before Adjutant Lu finished speaking, the scene was about to explode.


"The palace prince's rope is also broken?"

"Both of them broke up together?!"

Everyone couldn't believe it and looked around.

As a result, everyone was so shocked that they were speechless...

Both Gong Jue and the Vice President were now without the protection of the crane, and both were exposed on the ground.

It's just that Gong Jue is proud and has a calm demeanor in the face of danger, which makes people suddenly respect him.

The vice president seemed completely frightened, and his fat legs were trembling!

There was something wrong with both of their ropes, so there was really no reason to just blame Gong Jue for stumbling upon them.

How did everyone know that the little dirty turtle was standing on the top of the crane, sneering again and again: "Humph, you dare to stumble and make my Master Qi's man fall into the wolf heap, right? I will let you too, right?" Taste what it feels like to be attacked by a pack of wolves!”

Seeing that the wolves were only a few meters away from Gong Jue and the Vice President.

The judge also lost his composure. If someone died today, I wonder if he would still be able to sit firmly in his position as a judge!

He hurriedly ordered through the intercom: "Animal tamer! Animal tamer, fire the tranquilizer gun quickly!"

After the trainer raised his gun and fired, the wolves running in front fell one after another.

However, wolves are very smart and cunning animals.

After the leading wolf was knocked unconscious, the wolves behind immediately changed their strategy.

They no longer attack in a straight line, but jump left and right, advancing in 8-step steps!

This makes it extremely difficult for the animal trainer to aim at the target.

After shooting randomly for a long time, I couldn't shoot another wolf!

Instead, several more random guns shot at Gong Jue's side.

Everyone was horrified to see it!

If it weren't for Gong Jue's sharp eyesight and quick hands, the tranquilizer bomb would definitely hit Gong Jue's head. It's really scary!

Gu Qiqi's eyes became even colder, and she glared hard at the animal trainer holding the anesthetic gun.

Others might think it was an accidental shooting, but only people like Gu Qiqi who had touched a gun knew that with the location of the scene, it was impossible for an accidental shooting to hit Gong Jue.

This person did it on purpose!

She said coldly to Adjutant Lu: "You just said, where did the animal trainer come from?"

Adjutant Lu: "This is the veterinary hospital affiliated with the wildlife park. It is said to be the largest veterinary hospital in the country. The director's surname is Fang. Because today's case is of great importance, the crane and animal trainer were personally selected by Director Fang. It is said that he is a professional We selected the most powerful equipment and staff in the veterinary hospital..."

Gu Qiqi said coldly: "I don't care whether he is square or round, capture him and interrogate him carefully! The crane failed at the critical moment and the animal trainer shot indiscriminately. What is his conspiracy?"

As he said that, he turned to the judge with sharp eyes: "You couldn't have accepted any bribes and deliberately protected him, right?"

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