Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2452 Who is the joke?

Chapter 2454 Who is the joke?

The juror tried to distance himself: "I only spoke for justice... Who would have expected that it would be like this in the end..."

Cowardly and evasive explanations, trying to get through.

How could Gu Qiqi allow such a person to be easily exposed?

She grabbed the man out, faced the live broadcast camera directly, and said loudly: "Come on, let all the viewers on the Internet see clearly that your so-called justice is to send others to the wolf's den. If it weren't for my family today, A person who has experienced many battles and is very skilled may be torn into pieces. How much is the justice worth for someone who just opens his mouth and spreads rumors?"

People on the Internet have long seen Gong Jue's bravery in fighting off the wolves with his gun through the live broadcast. Except for a few navy soldiers, everyone has begun to turn against him, targeting those who "anti-wolf cult" and the jury.

The message box and barrage in the live broadcast room all flashed:

"Fuck false justice! We believe Sir Alex!"

"Fuck false justice! We believe Sir Alex!"

"Fuck false justice! We believe Sir Alex!"

It refreshed the screen.


The jury was silent.

The juror who was captured by Gu Qiqi was ashamed and completely withered.

The only anti-Wolf Cult people at the scene came out and argued with Gu Qiqi arrogantly: "Haha, what kind of skills do you have in inciting netizens? Netizens don't have the right to vote. Netizens don't have the final say in today's case. It's ridiculous!"

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows slightly: "Thank you for reminding me. I'm going to hold an online vote now. I want to see if the people's IQ can crush the court's IQ. I really don't know who is the joke then!"

He turned around and ordered: "Adjutant Lu, start the voting!"

"Okay! Miss Qiqi!" Adjutant Lu went to do it in a hurry.

The anti-Wolf Cult members looked at each other, a sense of panic rising in their hearts.

Previously, they used Internet public opinion to scold Gong Jue quite miserably.

did not expect,

Gong Jue only showed his heroic appearance in front of the camera for less than half a minute and immediately conquered netizens.

Today's public opinion, without any need for guidance, is all in favor of Gong Jue!

Gong Jue's public support rate has soared, almost surpassing his brother Gong Sheng.

In this current situation, that little girl Gu Qiqi actually tried to hold an online voting with all her tricks. Do we need to say the result? The approval rate of Gong Jue must be 100%.

So cunning!

Those who were against the Wolf Cult were angrily watching Gu Qiqi arrange online voting.

But they couldn't do anything. Even the hackers secretly sent out to attack the voting system retreated in frustration: "Oh, there are more powerful hacker leaders guarding them, and there is more than one. We can't defeat them... "

How could they have expected that Mo Yuan, Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Bei were concentrating on controlling the computer to protect the online voting system organized by Gu Qiqi without leakage!

The little milk bag is like a butterfly, busy shuttling in the kitchen and study, delivering delicious snacks to Brother Hacker and Uncle Hacker!

From time to time, he would also say sarcastically: "Oh, those people look so stupid. Where did they get the confidence to challenge me? I'm really worried about them..."


The craziest person is the judge.

In court, he was the organizer, but now this human experiment has become chaotic and almost killed someone!

He had no time to care about what Gu Qiqi and the others were arguing about.

Even when people from the Anti-Wolf Cult came to complain, saying that Gu Qiqi had treated the jury members violently, he pushed back impatiently: "Are you injured? Is it bleeding? If you're not hurt or bleeding, don't bother me!"

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