Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2453 I only eat... you!

Chapter 2455 I only eat... you!

The anti-Wolf Cult people hit a snag and thought gloomily that Gu Qiqi didn't beat the juror and make him bleed.

However, grabbing someone by the collar and displaying it like a chicken to netizens all over the country in front of the live broadcast camera, this kind of humiliation is more serious than a beating...!

This woman is poisonous.

If Lord Gong were a wolf, this woman would be a vicious she-wolf.

They rubbed their heads together secretly, discussing with grim faces how to deal with Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue next.

At this time, your honor, the judge finally looked forward to the person who would clean up the mess.

Seeing the person coming, he frowned: "Where is your Dean Fang? Why isn't Dean Fang here in person?"

The veterinary hospital only sent one secretary to the president. Is this looking down on him?

The dean's secretary replied awkwardly: "I'm sorry, our dean has important guests to receive, and he can't leave for a while. I'm here for the same reason, isn't it just to catch a few wolves? I brought a few veterinarians and animal trainers with me , guaranteed to solve the problem..."

The judge sneered coldly: "Waiting for you to solve it? Huh, the day lily is cold! The people are dead!"

The secretary looked indifferent: "Huh? Is anyone dead? We are not responsible for that. In a wildlife park, if you get off the car and are attacked by animals and die, you are not protected by the law. Judge, you know..."

Gu Qiqi's eyes darkened again: Haha, these people also know that people who die in a car at a wildlife park are not protected by law? Still shamelessly asking Gong Jue to undergo a death experiment?

Where is the face?

What about conscience?

A look of uneasiness flashed across the judge's face, and he waved his hand irritably: "Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and take people to pull the Vice President and the others up. If there is no doctor, just use a veterinarian to stop the bleeding and bandage him. Hurry up!"

Everyone hurriedly carried the vice president in.

Before, he was far away and could not see clearly. Now that he was lying on a stretcher, everyone could see him clearly.

I saw that his left calf was completely torn open by the wolf's teeth, and a large strip of flesh was torn off, and it was still bleeding.

Although the leg injury is not fatal,

But the problem is it hurts.

It is said that a wolf bite is a hundred times more painful than a dog bite.

As everyone watched the process of disinfection, cutting, and bandaging, they all felt a touch of cold air passing over their teeth, causing pain.

In the chaos, Gong Jue slowly stepped onto the bus.

Everyone silently made way for them.

The domineering and evil spirit in this man made people dare not look at him.

Compared with his bravery and uprightness, everyone's previous suspicions became jokes and looked very vulgar.

Except for those who were against the Wolf Cult and secretly harbored secret ideas, the others were basically ashamed.

Gu Qiqi stepped forward to greet him.

Although she knew that Gong Jue had the absolute ability to protect himself, she couldn't help but grab his sleeve and looked up, down, front, and left several times: "Are you okay?"

Gong Jue smiled and hugged her: "Woman, you have to have some confidence in me!"

Gu Qiqi curled her lips: "Who knows if you will rub, shoot, or fire when you take the anesthesia gun?"

Gong Jue smiled lowly, leaned close to her ear, and said in a precise tone: "I can only rub, shoot, and get angry with you!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of how he insisted on letting her clean his gun when she was still unfamiliar with him!

Her face turned red and she stepped on him hard: "Shameless Minato, why didn't you let the wolf eat you just now?"

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