Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2454 The dying blow

Hit 245

Gong Jue suppressed his laughter and said seriously: "Maybe it's because I eat you every time, right? You are the one who gets eaten..."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Taking a deep breath, he vented his frustration on the judge: "How much more time do we need to waste here? Isn't it time to draw a clear conclusion to this case!"

Quickly masturbate and go back to deal with this shameless big bad wolf at home!

Everyone didn't know that Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue were secretly quarreling. They only thought that the relationship between the two was really good. They had not seen each other for a while and it felt like three autumns apart. They were talking to each other, as if no one else existed in their eyes.



The judge even broke out in a cold sweat: "Well...well, the test session is inconclusive. Let's go back to the court to continue..."

Gu Qiqi sneered: "What do you mean there is no conclusion? Isn't this conclusion very clear? There is no difference between the wolves treating Gong Jue and the Vice President. In the end, Gong Jue forced the wolves back with his own strength! If this doesn't prove that Gong Jue Jue’s innocence, does that mean that the Vice President has also become a wolf? Or does it mean that there are still some of you here who are dissatisfied and want to continue to try?"

The scene was completely silent.

Oh my god.

The bloody calf of the Vice President is still dangling in front of his eyes. Who dares to overestimate his own capabilities and go out to fight against the wolves?

What if the crane breaks down again, what if the anesthesia gun fails to fire again, the point is, if the prince is unhappy and stops saving people, aren't they going to die?

No one said a word.

The judge had no choice but to save face in embarrassment: "Um... Miss Qiqi, you misunderstood me. I just said that the experimental process cannot prove that Gong Jue is a werewolf. Let's go back to the court and let the jury vote based on the experimental results. OK?"

Gu Qiqi was now slightly satisfied: "Yes."

The group drove back to the court in a mighty manner.

The Vice President's wounds were thoroughly bandaged on the way, and he was vaccinated against tetanus and rabies.

He screamed all the way in pain,

His face was pale and bleeding until he returned to the court!

When he returned to the position of foreman of the jury, he could only lie on a stretcher!

Regardless of the outcome of this case, he has set a record - that is, the first person in the empire to appear in court lying down!

The judge announced: "The discussion and cross-examination of the case are almost complete. Based on the existing evidence, the jury is invited to vote on whether Gong Jue is a werewolf and whether he can never hold the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces-"

He was about to bring down the gavel.

Suddenly, the Vice President on the stretcher struggled and said hoarsely: "Wait a minute! I have something else to say..."


The sky in the imperial capital gradually darkened.

Xiao Ning asked Akun to lead the way. The twin brothers escorted the rude little boy, and the group crawled out from another exit of the sewer.

They walked a long, long way again, so far that Xiao Ning began to wonder if this Akun was taking a detour on purpose, trying to drain her of all her energy and then come up with some ulterior motives that she shouldn't have.

Akun suddenly raised his voice and said, "Master Xiao Ning, the buyer and I will meet here!"

Xiao Ning followed his finger and looked towards the desolate place ahead: "What? Are you buying and selling children in the zoo?"

Akun smiled awkwardly: "No, look at the sign next to it..."

Xiao Ning moved her eyes slightly and read aloud: "Veterinary Hospital Affiliated to the Imperial Capital Wildlife Park... Are you trading children in the veterinary hospital?"

It's even weirder, okay? !

Do you really think of children as cats and dogs?

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