Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2455 Please, I’m afraid!

Chapter 2457 Please, I’m afraid!

Seeing Xiao Ning's expression getting worse and worse, Akun chuckled and said, "Master Xiao Ning, let's go. The buyer is waiting. If it's too late, it'll be too late. If they leave, our shipment today won't be safe." It’s all in vain!”

With that tone, he couldn't wait for Xiao Ning to step into this veterinary hospital.

The twin brothers behind him followed Xiao Ning silently.

Although Akun described Xiao Ning as another more greedy human trafficker, the two brothers inexplicably believed in Xiao Ning.

Maybe it was because Xiao Ning helped them untie the painful tape that sealed their lips, maybe it was because Xiao Ning didn't tie them up at all, maybe it was because Xiao Ning's action of holding Akun hostage with a scalpel blade was so cool...

In short, they would rather believe Xiao Ning than Akun.

However, looking at the veterinary hospital in front of them, the two children instinctively felt fear.

The twin brother plucked up the courage and tugged on Xiao Ning's clothes: "Sister, please, don't go in, I'm afraid..."

Although the twin brother didn't speak, his big eyes were blinking with tears, and he looked very pitiful.

Xiao Ning thought for a while, it was a bit dangerous for the children to go in.


Without letting the children in, how could she pretend that she wanted to steal this business?

Isn’t it a bit inconsistent for her character as a young master who steals children?

Akun was still trying to persuade him: "Master Xiao Ning, we have to hurry up..."

Xiao Ning glared at him: "Raise your hands and squat down!"

Akun was startled!

Xiao Ning pushed the scalpel blade in: "Don't want to live anymore?"

"Think about it! I'll do it right now!" Akun immediately assumed the posture of an obedient labor camp prisoner.

He knew that this was Xiao Ning's order not to let him escape.

I thought to myself, hum, our base camp has arrived, are we still afraid of you? I would be a fool to run away now!

I have to trick you into entering the veterinary hospital!

His eyes wandered furtively,

Watching Xiao Ning walk to the entrance of the wildlife park.

It was getting late, the zoo was closed, the entrances were locked, and there wasn't even a security guard. What was this woman going to do?

Akun was confused.

However, when he saw clearly what Xiao Ning was going to do, he felt a little stupid——

I saw Xiao Ning take action, first smash the surveillance camera, and then with a few sharp gestures, he removed the lock of the ticket office at the door and let the three boys in.

Then she... locked the door again!

Don't know how she did it!

Akun only knew that after witnessing Xiao Ning's series of smooth movements, his heart was a little shaken - this woman really looked like someone who had been on the road.

The worst, the worst, I must have followed some relatively powerful man, these tricks I learned are really the best tricks for being mixed up in society!

This unique skill of opening and installing locks instantly made him want to learn from Xiao Ning.


Then he thought about how cruel and ruthless this woman was, and his heart trembled again.

No, this kind of woman who is more fierce than a man must be beaten down. She must not be allowed to sit on top of a man and dominate him. Otherwise, how will he behave in the future?

With this in mind, he quickly asked Xiao Ning with a flattering smile: "Master, are you going to lock our goods in a safe place first, wait until the transaction with the buyer is completed, and confirm that the payment is received before handing it over, right? "

Xiao Ning glanced at her phone a few times, too lazy to deal with him: "Hurry up and lead the way, stop being so long-winded!"

She took a break from her busy schedule and opened the live broadcast room of Gong Jue's Werewolf Case, and saw the most exciting scene...

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