Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2456 How dare you brag?

Chapter 2458 How dare you brag?

What Xiao Ning saw on the live broadcast on her mobile phone was the scene where the Vice President was bitten by a wolf and lay dying on a stretcher, but he still tried to stop the judge from ordering a vote.

The fat old man's voice was weak and low: "Wait! I still have something to say."

"You said it." The judge nodded.

"First of all, I am very grateful to Gong Jue for lending me a helping hand in a critical moment..." His face softened, full of gratitude, "But..."

As soon as she heard the word "but", Gu Qiqi was already sneering in her heart.

Gratitude is fake, but this "but" is real, right?


The vice president looked serious and firm: "But what I want to remind everyone is that when I observed the wolves up close, I discovered that our common sense is wrong."

"What common sense?" The judge frowned.

Everyone also pricked up their ears to listen.

The vice president coughed and showed his signature kind smile: "We usually think that in a wolf pack, wolves will get along with each other harmoniously. If the palace prince is a wolf in nature, then the wolves will not attack him, but only attack him. Attacking me as a human being. But this is not actually the case. Because I have observed that when wolves are competing for food, they will also attack and bite each other. So, you see that the wolves are also attacking Gong Jue at the same time. This It doesn’t mean anything. It’s also possible that the wolves regard him as a wolf who is also a competitor, right?”

The Vice President huddled pitifully on the stretcher, coughing, and weakly expressed his judgment. He seemed so sincere and loyal.

The melon-eating masses almost believed it.

Gu Qiqi sneered: "Isn't it too late for you to say that it is obvious that wolves will attack each other now?"

What were you doing earlier?

Now that I see that the situation is not good for me, I just pretend to speak out the so-called "common sense". Don't you think it's a slap in the face?

A kind apology appeared on the vice president's face: "I'm sorry, Miss Qiqi, I didn't think carefully before. But no matter what, this shows that the human experiment just now is indeed unscientific. It can neither prove that Gong Jue is a werewolf, nor can it prove that Gong Jue is a werewolf." It can also prove that Gong Jue is not a werewolf. In other words, the nature of Gong Jue needs further discussion... Please believe me,

As an old man, I no longer have any ambitions for money and power. Everything I say comes from my heart and is a fair and impartial point of view..."

For the vice president of a country to be able to say something like this, in the eyes of onlookers, it really comes from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, those who were against the Wolf Cult rushed to stand up and support him:

"The Vice President has worked hard over the years and served the country without seeking fame or fortune. It can be said that he is very loyal! I believe in his views!"

"The vice president is low-key and pragmatic, unlike some people who like to be high-profile and show off. Haha, in this society, high-profile people get the limelight, and low-key people suffer!"

"The character of the vice president is there. He is an old man who is about to retire. He is not looking for fame or fortune. He just can't stand the wolf Gong Jue mixing in the crowd, so he goes to court to say a few words of justice. Such a talent He is our country’s hero!”

"Yes, yes, I can attest to the vice president's character. His wife was paralyzed in bed, and he has tried his best to take care of her for so many years and never leave her. I think such a man is honest and trustworthy in every aspect! "


Everyone praised the vice president like a flower.

Gu Qiqi looked at the support rate in the online voting with cold eyes. Just because the Vice President came out and said such a righteous speech, it actually stagnated and even seemed to be declining. She said coldly: "Low-key? Pragmatic? People. Good quality? Do you really dare to brag about it... I would like to advise you, bragging too much will not end well!"

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