Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2457 The mysterious witness, a powerful reversal

Chapter 245 A strong reversal

Facing Gu Qiqi's doubts, the Vice President smiled bitterly: "Miss Qiqi, I understand your defense of Gong Jue. However, everything I said is true. I guarantee my credibility and how many times I have taken care of my wife. Ten years of character guarantee, your palace lord is very likely to be a werewolf, you have to accept this fact..."

The Anti-Wolf Cult made a sound of agreement.

The jury was undecided.

Audiences on the Internet looked at this kind old man with curiosity. It was the first time they heard that the Vice President’s wife was paralyzed in bed and seriously ill, but this old man had taken care of her for decades. This kind of deep and profound love. People should not lie...

Everyone had to hesitate.

The situation is very unfavorable to Gong Jue.

Even Lieutenant Lu was a little worried that the outcome of this trial might not be optimistic.

Because no one could have expected that the vice president would serve as the jury foreman, and as the trial progressed, the finger of blame gradually emerged, pointing directly at the palace prince!

And this old guy knows how to play with people's hearts and show weakness to win sympathy!

He couldn't help but instinctively ask for help from Gu Qiqi: "Miss Qiqi, you said before that there was another old acquaintance who could be helpful to the case. Why hasn't that acquaintance come yet..."

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows slightly: "Well. It's time for her to come out."

Go ahead and turn to the judge: "Since the Vice President has put forward his point of view, we also apply for a new witness to appear and state her point of view to help everyone clarify what the truth is."

The judge nodded: "Okay."

Those who were against the Wolf Cult couldn't help but look worried.

This time it was their turn to think: What? Does Gong Jue still have a trump card? Will he be a very powerful witness? Is it a racial scientist or a doctor who can prove that Gong Jue’s DNA is that of a human and not a wolf?

They secretly sent a look of help to the Vice President.

The vice president was full of confidence. Although he was lying on a stretcher, he felt confident about the current situation.

What truth?

If Gong Jue can have medical proof that he is not a werewolf,

The evidence has been produced a long time ago, why wait until now?

This is all just smoke and mirrors!

Don't be fooled by that couple!

The confident look in the vice president's eyes finally made the anti-wolf cult people put their worries back.

At first, like the Vice President, he was waiting to see what kind of joke Gu Qiqi would summon.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

One minute……

Two minutes...

Ten minutes have passed and the witness has not yet arrived.

Some people were already impatient: "What kind of witness is this, so arrogant? Is he more powerful than the vice president?"

"Are you trying to be mysterious and delay time?"

"Judge, is it against the rules to keep everyone waiting like this?"

The judge was also a little embarrassed and reminded Gu Qiqi: "If a new witness is summoned and cannot be present within half an hour, according to imperial law, he will have to wait until the next court session."

Gu Qiqi's eyebrows were light: "Yes. It's a little slow. After all, the person is coming from prison, and the interrogation procedures are complicated, not to mention that it will take some time on the road. Please be patient."


Is the witness from prison?

Is that...a criminal?

Everyone looked at each other in shock, never expecting that Gu Qiqi would actually ask a criminal to testify in court.

The vice president hesitated to speak: "Miss Qiqi, isn't it too serious to ask a criminal to testify? What does the criminal know? Can he believe what he says?"

Gu Qiqi raised her lips slightly: "It's not credible what she said otherwise, but the truth that I'm here to testify today belongs to her."

A flash of suspicion flashed through the Vice President's mind.

It seemed like something felt wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Why does he have the illusion that Gu Qiqi is very likely to use this mysterious witness to reverse the situation?

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