Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2465: Sir Alex’s wolf claws are quite cute

No. 24 is quite cute

Gu Qiqi slightly raised her lips: "Of course we have to use some magic to exaggerate his symptoms. Otherwise, how can we have such a good effect? ​​How can we scare this wretched old man out of his wits and tell the truth?"

Of course, it is impossible for a normal person to show such severe wolf transformation in a short period of time.

Those thick and ugly wolf nails were of course made by her using magic photoshop, hahaha!

The little dirty turtle clung to Gu Qiqi's collar, trying hard to absorb the endless stream of color spots——

The Vice President’s hatred and despair, the admiration and admiration of everyone, and the boiling emotions of netizens who were thousands of miles away watching the live broadcast... all turned into countless colored dots and gathered together!

It's so cool.

The strong evidence provided by Gu Xuexue revealed the mask of the Vice President, and Gu Qiqi used the wolf transformation magic to completely defeat the Vice President. At this moment, the judge could finally announce without any hindrance: "The jury is invited to vote on the Gong Jue Werewolf Case." the result of!"

At the same time, online voting reversed again.

The votes that had been stagnant due to the vice president's questioning suddenly exploded, shooting up with almost unstoppable momentum.

There are hundreds of millions of netizens who watched the live broadcast of the trial, and 99.9% of them voted that Gong Jue was not guilty. Gong Jue was not a wolf, and Gong Jue was fully qualified to be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

The online voting list was an overwhelming victory.

The same goes for in-person voting.

After the Vice President was kicked off the jury, a majority of the jury voted to acquit Gong Jue.

Of course, there were still one or two remaining comrades who, at the risk of defying public opinion and distorting the facts, still gritted their teeth and voted against it, insisting that Gong Jue was a wolf and that Gong Jue was guilty.

However, the final result is that the majority overwhelms the minority, and other people's fallacies are like pebbles in the sea, unable to make a single splash.

In accordance with the jury's opinion, the judge slammed the gavel and declared Gong Jue not guilty. At the same time, he announced that all slanderous remarks about Gong Jue on the Internet would be cleared, otherwise he would be prosecuted for defamation.

The court hearing was filled with excitement.

It is rare to see the jury and supporters of the defendant hug each other.

They lamented to each other:

"Sir, it's okay, it's okay!"

"Your Majesty is not a wolf, he was just killed by an adulterer and poisoned by wolfsbane..."

“Numerous rumors over the past three years have finally been completely dispelled, great!”

"We jointly request Sir Alex to withdraw his resignation and not leave us, okay?"

"Quietly, am I the only one who thinks Sir Alex is quite cute when he occasionally shows his wolf claws?"

"No, you are not alone!"

The Vice President was lying on a stretcher, watching the situation get out of control step by step, watching everyone's acceptance and adoration of Gong Jue, and their disgust and disgust towards him, and the fire in his eyes was burning with reluctance.

In the jury, several of his cronies came over to persuade in a low voice: "Vice President, shall we send you back first? Treatment of your injuries is important, as well as your hands. We will find experts to find out what the hell happened to that bitch... …As for dealing with Gong Jue, let’s find a way…”

The Vice President nodded unhappily.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Just when these cronies were secretly trying to sneak away while everyone was celebrating the victory of the lawsuit and gossiping around the palace prince.

Gu Qiqi looked over with sharp eyes: "Want to leave? Please finish your ten years in prison for bigamy before you leave! Judge, do you think so?"

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