Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2466 There are only animals and dead bodies here

Object 24 and the dead body

The Vice President was on a stretcher, shaking all over!

Damn you bitch, why did you need to remind the judge of this?

But the judge was obviously on Gu Qiqi's side, and said angrily: "Yes, yes, this is our court's negligence. Come on, take him to the Imperial Capital Prison first!"

He no longer calls the Vice President, but simply refers to him as "him".

The vice president was so angry that he wanted to vomit out another mouthful of blood.

Seeing that he was about to be taken away, the Vice President gritted his teeth and said: "I am still injured. I want to apply for extrajudicial medical treatment. Treat the injuries first!"

The judge pondered for a moment and looked at Gu Qiqi with some embarrassment: "Well...according to imperial law, if an injury reaches a certain level, you can indeed seek medical treatment outside the law first..."

Just when the vice president was proud of his reason.

Suddenly, outside the court, a woman rushed in: "He cannot seek medical treatment outside the law! The crime this man committed is far from being as simple as bigamy! This is a heinous criminal!"

Everyone looked over in surprise.

Look at the woman and the man beside her.


Is the Vice President not just a man of bad personal ethics, a womanizer, and a cheater on his wife?

Are there other more serious crimes?


Half an hour ago.

Xiao Ning quickly glanced at the court hearing and saw Gu Qiqi's sonorous and powerful words against the Vice President. She felt a little more at ease, knowing that with Qiqi's presence, the Duke should still have hope to overcome the difficulties this time.

After putting away her cell phone, she continued to escort Akun to the veterinary hospital.

In fact, when they arrived near the veterinary hospital, Akun basically didn't need to be escorted. He seemed to be more anxious to meet the buyer and close the deal than she was.

"Master Xiao Ning, we have to hurry up, otherwise the buyer will be impatient. If he leaves, we will lose tens of thousands..." He seemed to be very serious and thinking about her interests.

Xiao Ning's eyelashes flickered, noncommittal.

But he still quickened his pace.

Veterinary hospitals are different from ordinary hospitals in that they are not open 24 hours a day.

After the zoo closed, the affiliated veterinary hospital also closed. Only the outpatient reception room on the first floor was left, and a ward was left for emergency treatment of small animals in need in the middle of the night.

All other rooms in the building had their lights turned off.

It looked dark and had an indescribable sense of oppression.

Akun took her in through the back door, turned here and there, and walked around until they reached a separate small house in the backyard.

From a distance, I could smell the smell of fireworks and formalin.

Xiao Ning used to take animal anatomy classes and hated the smell the most.

She wrinkled her nose.

Akun thought she was unhappy and quickly smiled fawningly: "Master Xiao Ning, the buyer and I will meet in the front room. Let's go! I see the light is on, he hasn't left yet!"

Xiao Ning raised her eyes and asked calmly: "Is the buyer from this veterinary hospital?"

Akun shook his head: "Uh... no, no! It's just that this place is remote and not easy to be discovered! At night, there are animals and no people, so we made an appointment here hehe..."

Except for animals, even their dead bodies are of course safe!

Xiao Ning said calmly: "Yeah."

He quickly glanced around.

It was indeed a very quiet place, with no one around, only the night wind blowing through the dilapidated window lattice, making a creepy creaking sound.

Akun walked to the door and knocked on it: "Mr. Fang? We are here!"

The tattered door opened in response.


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