Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2468 The good deeds Bai Yeyuan has done

Chapter 2470 The good deeds Bai Yeyuan has done

If Xiao Ning couldn't avoid it back then.

Bai Yeyuan's bullet... will hit the young bun!

Is it painful? The second most important thing is that it’s humiliating!

So although this devilish training method was abnormal, it allowed her to master the method of dodging bullets in the shortest time.

At this moment, Bai Yeyuan's original devil training had an effect.

Facing the slow anesthesia gun, Xiao Ning shouldn't be too relaxed about hiding, okay?

There is no comparison with real gun bullets.

For someone like her who can even dodge real bullets, dealing with this kind of anesthetic bullet is simply child's play.

Dean Fang was almost depressed.

Damn it, how did this humble woman come to be able to dodge bullets?

Special forces?

It doesn’t look like it at all!

He raised his gun again, not believing this evil, and vowed to shoot Xiao Ning into a hornet's nest.

However, this time, Xiao Ning unexpectedly took the initiative!

She took advantage of Dean Fang's aim and quickly moved left and right in a figure-8 shape. While dodging the bullets, she quickly approached him, threw her over her shoulder, and threw him into an iron basket on the side.

Then, she quickly pushed a red button next to the iron basket.

The sound of the machine's "kick-kick-kick" rotation immediately sounded. The iron basket was sealed from the opening in an instant, turning into an iron cage, and it was still being slowly transported to the crematorium!

The anesthesia gun in Dean Fang's hand fell off to the ground a long time ago. At this moment, his expression finally changed, and his teeth chattered due to trembling: "Damn woman, put me down! Do you know you are committing a crime! This is burning Corpse Furnace, you can't send me in! You idiot, why did you press that button!"

Xiao Ning crossed his arms in front of his chest, and there was a flash of narrowing in his eyes: "Yes, I just sent you in. I have recorded the crimes you just confessed to and used them as evidence in court, so you have no value now." , why do we still keep you? You have killed so many children, how good would it be for you to have a taste of this now?"

Dean Fang's teeth were cracked: "So you are a scheming girl! You - what on earth do you want to do? Stop pretending to be a messenger of justice.

Say, how much do you want, you make a price! "

Xiao Ning tilted her little head and looked at Dean Fang who was successfully imprisoned in the crematorium. She said slowly: "A price? Haha, can you afford it?"

Dean Fang was quite confident: "There is nothing that someone on our side cannot do. Do you think ten million is enough?"

He thought he had said an astronomical figure.

It would definitely knock this little girl out.

who knows.

Xiao Ning curled her lips: "Ten million? Haha, my uncle bought me any pair of shoes, and they cost more than 10 million. Are you kidding me?"

The corners of Dean Fang's lips twitched fiercely.


This girl is very unfamiliar, he has never seen her at a party of wealthy people.

Those are the only surnames in this empire that can afford to buy a pair of sky-high luxury shoes worth 10 million yuan.

Could it be that her younger uncle is a palace saint and a palace lord? Emperor Dongfang? Or...Master Nalan? It can't be Bai Yeyuan, right? Didn't Bai Yeyuan just die in a plane crash?

Huh, this girl must be talking nonsense.

Dean Fang felt confident, so he deliberately raised the price again: "Eighty million! No more!"

Xiao Ning sneered: "Are you worth 80 million? I can kill you with eight pairs of shoes. Tsk, tsk, that's it..."

Dean Fang was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Do you agree or not? Let me out and I will transfer money to your account immediately."

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