Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2469 I'm going to be roasted!

Chapter 2471 I’m going to be roasted!

Xiao Ning put away her smile and looked cold: "Every one of the children you killed and abducted is a priceless treasure. You - you can't afford this price!"

Dean Fang glared: "You're kidding me! You!"

Xiao Ning said lightly: "I don't have time to play tricks on you. Since you can't give me equal value, I can only reveal the big boss behind you. I also considered giving you a more comfortable way to die without being burned to ashes. Like animals, they were destroyed."

Dean Fang's eyes flickered: "No... there is no big boss... I am the boss!"

Xiao Ning keenly caught his evasive eyes, and the suspicion in her heart became stronger: "Just you? A director of a veterinary hospital, have the courage to engage in this kind of business of buying and selling children and licking blood with the tip of a knife? Don't take yourself too seriously. It’s important! You are at best a puppet like Akun, right? Why risk your own life to protect the people behind you? Say, who is controlling this business behind the scenes, and has been controlling it for more than ten years?! Or even more? Long!"

Dean Fang was shocked.

This transaction indeed lasted for more than ten years.

That person took him to do it himself. Later, with the money he got from selling children, that person used the money to cultivate relationships and climb to a higher position step by step. Now, one person is lower than ten thousand people, and there is even a chance to climb to The highest position in the empire...

Of course, that person would not personally intervene in such a thing later on.

Give him full authority to do it, and then take a 50% commission!

Once they are at risk of being exposed, that person will always use their power to deal with it.

Just like the big children's inflatable castle case not long ago, so many stall owners were arrested, but in the end, the person didn't know what means he used to settle the matter, so that the police only found the stall owner and did not affect the upper management at all. .

He thought he was safe now, but he didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would appear halfway and even touch him.

He absolutely couldn't blast that person out.

It wasn't that he was deeply affectionate, let alone that he was hurting his brothers, but...his wife, children, and eighty-year-old mother were all in that person's hands.

If he stabs him out, his family will die!

Wasn't it the case with the children's bouncy castle last time?

There is a stall owner who is under interrogation.

After he revealed a little bit, the noble man poisoned the stall owner and his family to death. Then he bribed the prisoners to fight in prison and beat the stall owner to death... He even said in a nice way: Let them A family of eight reunited underground!

That man was so cruel and ruthless that he had to be afraid and guard against him.

Therefore, even if he was really burned to death in the crematorium by Xiao Ning, he could not reveal any information about that person.

He began to pretend to be dead and did not answer Xiao Ning's questions.

Xiao Ning frowned: "You are really tough-talking. Okay, then I'll see how long you can keep it."

She clicked a few buttons on the controller next to the crematorium.

Soon, the crematorium began to heat up!

In less than a minute, the preheating is over and the high temperature begins!

Dean Fang felt that his eyebrows were about to be burnt, and his eyeballs were about to turn into mutton skewers.

He suddenly became afraid.

It turns out that death is so unbearable, maybe, he should leave his family alone, he should confess!

At the critical moment.

"Bang——" There was a sound, and the door was kicked open.

After the anesthetic wore off, Akun came to life and rushed in with several security guards.

Dean Fang's eyes lit up: "Akun, arrest that woman quickly! Hurry! No, no, no, wait, stop the crematorium first! You don't know how to press the button, just pull the switch! Hurry! !I’m going to be roasted!”

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