Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2470: A male god descended from heaven! Hug her: No next time

Chapter 2472 The male god descended from heaven! Hug her: No next time

Dean Fang's whole body came to life when he saw the reinforcements coming.

Enduring the severe burning pain, he yelled at Akun to save him.

who knows……

Akun's face fell: "Dean, I was also arrested by them. This woman has a background!"

Dean Fang frowned: "What background? No matter how big your background is, can you be more powerful than our big boss?"

Akun said with a sad face: "It's a really powerful background, it's Fu Qingtian..."



There was a loud noise, and the door of the crematorium was kicked open by a man!

It completely fell apart.

The man strode through the door, the sniper rifle in his hand pointing directly at the back of Akun's head.

Not to mention, there was a courtyard full of people standing behind him, all dressed in black, with rows of sniper rifles in their hands, already aimed at the room.

No wonder, Akun and the others' legs were trembling, and they couldn't speak well after entering the door.

It turned out that they were escorted in by Fu Qingyun!

Xiao Ning was extracting a confession when she suddenly heard Akun barging in, followed by Fu Qingyun. She didn't expect it and couldn't help but sigh: "Wow, you are so did you do that?"

She was at the entrance of the veterinary hospital and noticed something was wrong, so she hurriedly sent a message and location to Fu Qingyun, begging him to come and help.

Anyway, the human trafficking case she handled was a very serious criminal case, and the prosecutor's office would definitely get involved when the time came. She had legitimate reasons to trouble this man.

It is definitely not out of selfish motives or personal matters to trouble him!

really not.

Therefore, she finished her emotion and gave a very professional smile: "Dear Mr. Prosecutor, thank you for arriving in time!"

Fu Qingyun pursed his lips tightly,

He looked a little cold.

He strode up to her and finally softened his expression: "Fifteen minutes. I'm too late. This kind of thing is too dangerous. Never come alone in the future!"

Fifteen minutes were enough for the gangsters to fight back, tie up the little girl, and throw her into the crematorium.

If he had come a few minutes later today and found her turned into a pile of soot when he arrived, he didn't know what terrible things he would do in anger.

He always thought that this girl was just a series of ripples in his life.

But it wasn't until he received her text message asking for help today that he rushed over in a hurry, his heart clenched all the way, that he finally realized that she was not Liang Yi.

She was the fire that had set him on fire.

Xiao Ning was still as if nothing had happened: "It's okay. I calculated the time well. If there is an accident, you will arrive in time. Look, I didn't fight alone this time. I contacted you. You didn't praise me. It's really Yeah, I won’t look for you next time, just look for a male lawyer to help..."

He pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Staring at her closely.

Suddenly, he hugged her tightly: "Be good, there won't be a next time!"

Xiao Ning was stunned.

The man's warm body temperature was transmitted to her, and his powerful heartbeat could even be heard.

Inexplicably, her heart was beating wildly too!

It had been a long time since she had been hugged by a man other than Bai Yeyuan.

And this man has always been very calm and steady. Even when dancing, he always keeps a gentleman's distance from her.

How could he suddenly hold her so tightly?

Xiao Ning was at a loss!

But she knew...this was inappropriate.

Her body stiffened instinctively, and she used some strength with her little hands to push him away, covering up her embarrassment with a dry smile: "You forgot that I am a veterinarian. I am familiar with this territory. Look at the crematorium, the anesthesia gun, I am in college I had lots of fun during the practical classes... I came in because I was confident. If there is a next time, I will definitely evaluate it, I'm not stupid!"

Fu Qingyun looked at her deeply: "Fool!"

Xiao Ning: "Hey! You are the fool!"

Dean Fang, who was almost roasted in the crematorium: "..."

Hey, hey, hey, you inhumane guys, stop flirting, come and take care of me, pay attention to me!

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! Qing Yunhui is teasing the girl, and it feels like my uncle is going to sit up from the coffin with anger! 】

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