Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2471: Was it Gong Sheng who did it?

Chapter 2473 Was it Gong Sheng who did it?

Fu Qingyun's sudden embrace made Xiao Ningfang confused and at a loss.

However, Dean Fang's wailing in the cremator quickly attracted her attention.

She threw him into the cremator and roasted him, just to frighten the cunning old man, hoping to force the man behind the scenes to confess.

She didn't want to really burn the old man to ashes. After all, he had to be used as a witness. Moreover, the smell of corpse oil was quite disgusting. She had smelled it enough in the school laboratory and didn't want to smell it a second time. .

She pressed the stop button: "Fang, I'll give you another chance. Who is the mastermind behind the scenes? Do you want to recruit someone?!"

Dean Fang's face was red, his hair had been curled up into a ball, his eyebrows and beard were all singed, and the tip of his nose was a little red, making him look like a clown.

He wriggled his lips and his eyes flashed:

"It's the president! I was ordered to do it by the President's palace sage! In order to climb to the position of president, he needs a lot of money to support him. Kidnapping a child is a hugely profitable thing. In the blink of an eye, he can make hundreds of millions of profits without having to pay taxes..."

"For more than ten years, he has hired a large number of subordinates and has not hesitated to set up traps to abduct children of all ages from all over the country. In addition to bouncy castles and sewers, he also directly colluded with welfare homes, children's hospitals and other institutions to steal them..."

"He trained these children uniformly, priced them uniformly, and then sold them to country S, which has a low fertility rate, at a high price. I heard that people in country S are very perverted and cruel to children. Children from other countries died soon after they were taken there. The children in our empire are more obedient and tolerant, and can live for a few more years... so his business has always been very good! There are so many repeat customers!"

"In the past few years, the demand from country S has decreased, and he has gradually begun to sell goods domestically. Girls are sent to deep forests and remote mountainous areas to be child brides for the disabled, and boys are sent to black mines to work as child laborers..."

"Oh, by the way, sometimes the stolen children are sick or too disobedient, and they ask me to dispose of them directly in this crematorium. Anyway, this is a remote veterinary hospital, no one will notice... "

"Gong Sheng is really bad. I am willing to testify in court and accuse him of his crimes. Please, for the sake of my honest confession, can you please leave me a way to survive? I am just a dog under his seat. I did whatever he said, I was really forced..."

The more Dean Fang spoke, the more "sincere" he became, and a few drops of cat urine dripped from his cloudy eyes...

Xiao Ning frowned when she heard this.

Brother Gong Sheng?


That's the lord's brother!

The Duke's family all have upright tempers. Although it is impossible to sit in the position of the president without extraordinary means, she does not believe that the palace saint would do such a crazy thing and exploit the hard-earned money of children. , to pave his way to the presidency.

She said coldly: "Fang, don't play tricks on me. Do you think you can spread rumors and kill people with just one mouth? Is the palace saint something you can slander casually?"

As she spoke, her heart sank. If this damn guy went to court and insisted that Gong Sheng was the boss behind the scenes, that would be really tricky.

No matter what the truth is, Gong Sheng's reputation will definitely be damaged.

What a president of a country fears most is nothing else but public support.

Once his reputation is damaged and his approval rating drops, the cabinet will be ready to impeach him and force him to step down before he can be proven innocent!

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