Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2472 This man’s voice seems to be born with magical power

Chapter 2474 This man’s voice seems to be born with magical power

Because, although the high position held by the Palace Saint is noble, it is also the most dangerous position in the world——

People all over the world have almost perverted expectations and demands for perfection in that position, and no flaws are allowed to appear on the President!

Scandal! scandal! Nothing works!

The President should be like a little fairy man with an immortal spirit who cannot live in the world, for them to imagine and worship.

How can there be a scandal? Not even if it’s fake!

Thinking of this, a chill ran through Xiao Ning's heart.

In order to save the children, if she wrongly accused the innocent brother Gong Sheng and implicated him, she would be very sorry to the Lord and Qiqi's family.

However, Dean Fang was determined: "Hey, you asked me to confess, and now that I have confessed, you still refuse to believe me? Haha, is it possible that all your so-called justice is bullshit and fake justice? When you meet someone like Gong Sheng, Are you afraid of a high-ranking person? Don't you dare? If you have the ability, catch him in this crematorium and burn him to make sure he can do anything! Do you dare?"

Dean Fang slapped his chest and shouted, making it almost difficult for people to doubt his confession.

Even though Xiao Ning had a sharp tongue, he didn't know how to pry open this cunning man's mouth at this moment to stop him from talking nonsense.

Just when the scene was at a stalemate, Fu Qingyun gently supported Xiao Ning's shoulders: "Let me do it."

He protected Xiao Ning behind him, took a step forward, and looked up at Dean Fang.

Before he even opened his mouth, this glaring aura made Dean Fang's heart tremble inexplicably!

This man is difficult to deal with.

He stuttered: "You, what are you going to do? I tell you, you can no longer use violence to extract confessions, otherwise I would rather die than confess! Humph!"

Fu Qingyun raised his eyelids slightly and said coldly: "You are not worthy of my violence."

As he spoke, he swung his hand in mid-air and threw a table filled with numbers, directly at Dean Fang's face: "Explain to me how the numbers on it and the person who collects the money are related to each other." Something happened."

I don’t know why, this man’s solemn words,

There seems to be a kind of innate magic power that makes people dare not not listen.

As if facing God's judgment, Dean Fang unfolded the form with trembling hands.

The more he looked, the more his hands shook.

" did you find out...this is a secret account, how did you know...?" Dean Fang's face gradually showed signs of depression, and the look of howling just now disappeared in an instant.

He was caught with a sore leg, just like someone pinched his poisonous tongue seven inches.

Xiao Ning looked over curiously.

It was an account list of money transactions, and she recognized it.

But the piles of complicated data made her dizzy and she couldn't understand them at all!

You have to be a financial professional to understand this, right?

Fu Qingyun mobilized manpower and obtained such a powerful financial list in just fifteen minutes. He was so awesome.

She decided that she would never look down upon state civil servants again.

Even if he is a small civil servant, he is so resolute in getting things done, which is great.

She looked towards Fu Qingyun and Dean Fang with sharp eyes.

I saw that the situation was completely under control by Fu Qingyun. He didn't say much, but every sentence hit the point of Dean Fang: "Your secret account is regularly transferred through foreign accounts every month, giving the Vice President a five-digit Ten million to eighty million. Could you please explain what deal you made with the vice president that you have to pay him a huge sum of nearly one hundred million every year?"

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