Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2473: The male god’s ability to slap him in the face is so strong!

Chapter 2475 The ability to slap the male god in the face is so strong!

Fu Qingyun's question made Dean Fang break into a cold sweat.

He was the director of a small veterinary hospital, and he kept a low profile. His account had been disguised through layers of identity, and he had been transferred through countless hands. He thought it was a seamless transaction, but who would have expected that it would be controlled by Fu Qingyun.

Even the frequency of specific payment transactions is so clear!


He is really finished...

"I... my account may have been stolen! I... I can't remember, I just had a headache from this woman..." In desperation, he desperately made excuses and grabbed at straws.

Fu Qingyun sneered: "It's not that you were misappropriated, and it's not that you can't remember it. You used the word vice president and deliberately left out the word 'vice', right?!"

Dean Fang: "I...Gong..."

Fu Qingyun: "No need to mention Gong Sheng again. I have checked all the accounts of Gong Sheng and there are no problems at all. What else do you have to say?"

Dean Fang: "I..."

He was like a defeated rooster, his whole body wilted.

Xiao Ning watched it for an instant!

God, did Fu Qingyun speak more than five sentences to this cunning Fang from beginning to end?

Maybe not!

In less than five sentences, he can make such a difficult and cunning guy plead guilty and have nothing to say. This ability is really amazing.

It seems that she was too rough and ineffective when she locked Dean Fang in the crematorium before.

Being able to quickly peel off the cocoon and find out the account evidence is the most powerful evidence to slap someone in the face.

She really admired this little civil servant more and more.

Fu Qingyun dealt with Dean Fang in a few words, ordered his men to handcuff him and escort him to a car.

The courtyard was filled with heavily armed bailiffs who silently put away their guns and escorted Akun and others back together.

The room suddenly became quiet.

The moonlight outside the window was white and warm, not as deserted as usual. It even shone on Fu Qingyun's face, making this resolute man reveal a rare tenderness.

"Miss Ning Ning..." he said softly.

He carefully considered his tone and wanted to make an invitation to her.

Tomorrow is the weekend, she should have a day off, right?

If there is no holiday, he will call the big boss of the law firm and ask Mu Tianyu if he has got used to the good life and wants to come to the prosecutor's office to have tea and talk about how employers who exploit their employees will be punished legally.

He wanted to ask her out for dinner.

No reason, I just want to.

He just wanted to see her look in high spirits when eating, and her thin little face, which was full and plump after being fed by him.

Well, if she is fatter and has more meat on her body, she will be cuter.

When he hugged her just now, he really felt how thin she was, as if her bones could be pinched.

It hurts!

"Miss Ning Ning, are you free this weekend..." Just when Fu Qingyun was about to invite him.

Xiao Ning suddenly exclaimed "Yeah" and hid back.

"What's wrong?" Fu Qingyun frowned, followed her line of sight, and looked out the window.

There was no one outside.

His men knew the rules very well. After escorting Dean Fang and others into the car, they withdrew from the yard and waited for his next order outside the veterinary hospital.

At this moment, this small backyard is safe and no outsiders can enter.

What did Xiao Ning see? He actually screamed in fright?

Fu Qingyun's concerned inquiry caused a flash of panic in Xiao Ning's eyes.

She lowered her eyes for a moment and finally regained her composure. When she raised her head again, she pursed her lips and said, "I...I saw..."

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