Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2474 Your uncle really loves you!

Chapter 247 I love you so much!

Xiao Ning's lips trembled before she said a few words. She suddenly realized that she couldn't explain it clearly to Fu Qingyun.

Do you want her to say that just now, when she was staring at his beautiful thin lips and spitting out a few gentle words, out of the corner of her eye, she saw another man's extremely cold face under the moonlight outside the window!

The face of my uncle Bai Yeyuan!

Although it was fleeting, she could never erase that face that looked elegant but was actually cold.

"What did you see?" Fu Qingyun instinctively felt that something was wrong with her mood.

Xiao Ning clenched her slender fingers into fists, placed them at her side, and said softly: "'s nothing. I may be a little tired from walking for a day, and my mind is not clear..."

She couldn't explain it.

How was she going to tell Fu Qingyun that she saw her dead uncle?

Will Fu Qingyun sigh like brother Tianyu did at first: Your uncle really loves you and makes you miss him so much.

She wasn't obsessed with him, she was afraid of him to the core, okay?

So much so that even after so many days since his plane crash, she still thinks of him on such a night, under such moonlight, next to other men! Hallucinations about him suddenly appeared before my eyes!

She took a deep breath, tried her best to get rid of the shadow, and smiled reluctantly at Fu Qingyun: "Prosecutor Fu, how about we leave this room, let's go... By the way, there are three children, one of whom is a little boy. The other two accomplices are the twin brothers who were almost abducted by them today. I locked them in the zoo duty room. We have to release them quickly..."

The light in Fu Qingyun's eyes dimmed, and the invitation he wanted to say just now was interrupted.

It was important to save the child, but it was important to let Xiao Ning leave this place where she felt uncomfortable first.

As for dating…

Well, there is still time between them, take your time, don't be too hasty and scare this cute girl.

"Okay." He finally nodded.

The slender arms naturally wrapped around Xiao Ning and helped her walk out.

Xiao Ning, however, trembled slightly for no reason, took a quick step without leaving any trace, and avoided his embrace, as if she was afraid of being seen by someone.

But obviously, there is no one outside the window.

Fu Qingyun's eyebrows moved slightly.

Nothing was said.

The arm stayed in mid-air for a few seconds, then silently retracted.

The two rescued the twin brothers in the duty room, locked the little follower and Fang in a car, and then officially retreated.

Xiao Ning sat in the passenger seat.

Fu Qingyun drove the car himself.

The twin brothers were free and followed them in the car.

The heart of a child is always innocent.

Xiao Ning asked them what their parents' names were and if they had mobile phone numbers. The gentle and well-behaved brother answered clearly.

My brother liked Xiao Ning very much. After answering the question, he was still not satisfied. He blinked his big watery eyes: "Sister Ning Ning, are you and Uncle Qingyun husband and wife?"

Xiao Ning was drinking water, and when she heard this, she almost spit out all the water!

Although it was not sprayed all over, half of it was sprinkled on Fu Qingyun's clothes.

She was in a hurry, reaching out to help Fu Qingyun wipe off the water from his clothes, while also answering the kid behind her who was very imaginative: "No, no, you are thinking too much! We just..."

Unexpectedly, a car suddenly stopped in front. Fu Qingyun braked suddenly. Xiao Ning's little hand slipped and was pressed where it shouldn't be.

Fu Qingyun's expression suddenly changed slightly and he snorted.

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