Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2478 Gu Xuexue’s final fate [must read]

Chapter 2480 Gu Xuexue’s final fate [must read]

Gu Qiqi concluded calmly: "First-degree murder, first-degree child abduction, and aggravated marriage. The circumstances are abominable. The three crimes are punishable together. Vice President, what awaits you is not 10 years in prison, but the death penalty!"

The Vice President shuddered!

However, Xiao Ning had an even more terrifying announcement waiting for him: "The imperial judicial interpretation clearly stated that there is an exception to extrajudicial medical treatment, that is, death row prisoners are not allowed to receive extrajudicial medical treatment! You, don't even think about getting out of prison sitting there. What a happy spring and autumn dream! Just wait until the day of execution, on the road from the prison to the execution ground, to see the light of day again!"

The last bit of luck the Vice President had had evaporated.

The whole person was completely paralyzed on the stretcher, and his eyes were ashen.

The judge agreed very much with Gu Qiqi and Xiao Ning's legal judgment, and almost followed their original words when issuing the death penalty verdict.

Everyone at the scene was in mourning.

After today's court hearing, I once again experienced what "people should not be judged by their appearance" and what is meant by "evil will be punished, and it does not mean that it will not be repaid, the time has not yet come."

Who would have thought that the Vice President, who had been prominent in the imperial political arena for more than ten years and had always seemed dignified, charitable and amiable, would turn out to be like this after his skin was peeled off? !

It's really shattering.

The vice president was brought to justice, and Gong Jue's case was settled.

Seeing that Gu Qiqi was about to leave hand in hand with Gong Jue.

Gu Xuexue shouted anxiously: "Gu Qiqi, don't forget what you promised me!"

Gu Qiqi looked back, half-smiling but not smiling: "I never break my promise."

As he spoke, he suggested to the judge: "Gu Xuexue is willing to appear in court to testify against the vice president. According to the legal standard of commutation, the detention time can be reduced. What do you think?"

The judge thought for a moment and agreed.

Gu Xuexue was satisfied and received the commutation notice on the same day.

When Xiao Ning heard about this, she felt a little sorry for Gu Qiqi: "That scumbag Gu Xuexue should be executed together with the vice president. I think the two of them are equally shameless. Let Gu Xuexue commute her sentence. It's really easy for her!" Hello, Qimeiren,

Are you still thinking that her last name was Gu, so you are soft-hearted? "

Gu Qiqi slightly raised her lips: "Do you think I am a soft-hearted person?"

Xiao Ning pouted: "No."

Gu Qiqi chuckled: "Killing can only be done with a nod, there is no pain at all. Don't worry, her end will be worse than the death penalty."

What will happen? Worse than the death penalty?

Xiao Ning really couldn't think of it.


Late that night.

A series of heart-rending screams came from the Imperial Capital Prison: "No, I don't want it, I don't want to enter this cell! Let me out, I don't want my sentence reduced! I would rather go back to the original cell and spend the rest of my life in prison than come here This cell! Help me find Gu Qiqi, help me find her, I regretted it, I don’t want to make a deal with her anymore, she is a female devil!!!”

However, no one paid any attention to her.

It's true that Gu Xuexue's sentence was reduced.

At the same time, Gu Qiqi had someone arrange for her to stay in the cell where Gu Meifeng was poisoned.

For some reason, Gu Xuexue could always hear the gloomy voice of Gu Meifeng's innocent soul: "Daughter, take your life... and die with me..."

As soon as she closed her eyes, she could see the horrific sight of Gu Meifeng dying from the poison as she fed him poison, her eyes bleeding.

So she couldn't sleep all night long, screaming that a ghost was tormenting her... living in pain and fear all day long...

The prison doctor predicted that she would not survive more than three months and would eventually suffer a mental breakdown and die of pain.


Xiao Ning was curious about Gu Xuexue's fate, but she was in a happy mood. She had won another lawsuit. It felt so good!

She walked down the long steps of the court with brisk steps.

Without paying attention, I almost ran into a man's arms!


"It doesn't matter. As per the old rules, just pay me tonight." The man's cool voice sounded above his head.

Xiao Ning turned pale instantly!

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! 】

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