Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2479: Kill her severely

Chapter 2481: Kill her severely

Xiao Ning felt like she was struck by lightning!

Uncle? ! !

Only her uncle in the world would speak to her like that. Whenever she made a mistake, he would calmly say, "Go back tonight to punish her."

She knew very well what the so-called punishment was.

The man's familiar voice rang above her head, and her whole body seemed to be hit by a magic, and she froze in place.

She didn't even dare to look up, as if if she didn't look at him, he didn't exist, it wasn't him.

Hmm, maybe it's an illusion?

Earlier tonight, in the crematorium of the veterinary hospital, didn't she also have hallucinations, as if she saw her uncle's cold and gloomy face outside the window?

Xiao Ning's heart was beating like a drum and she forced herself to calm down.

However, her trembling hands still revealed the tension and fear in her heart, which could not be concealed no matter how hard she tried to cover it up.

The man looked at her playfully, pinched her chin with his long, cold fingers, and lifted it up with a little force, forcing her to look at him.

Xiao Ning's pupils almost shrank to the size of a pinhead!

The delicate chin was also trembling slightly, and her eyes seemed to be filled with mist, looking at him pleadingly.

The man's face was condescending, only a few feet away from her.

His face, which could be called handsome, was no different from before except for a little more stubble. It was still so unfathomable and chilling.

"What? You seem a little unhappy to see me? Or do you wish that I was dead so that you could find a new love?" Bai Yeyuan's tone was extremely cold.

Xiao Ning trembled her lips and replied: ""

"Still saying you haven't? You seemed to be very misbehaved during my absence..." Bai Yeyuan's eyes darkened slightly.

After he narrowly escaped death and dealt with the gang war in Italy, he rushed back to the country to find her.

He didn't even bother to go back to the Bai family.

The Bai family who were dealing with his "funeral" in Italy still don't know that he was not dead. The moment the plane exploded, he realized there was a spy in the cabin and jumped out of the plane with a parachute.

However, it was a blessing in disguise that the news of his death paralyzed the enemy, allowing him to take the enemy by surprise. He led his men to catch the enemy off guard, worked together with the Jonson family to encircle and suppress the enemy, and captured that important territory.

A whole ten days.

He was wandering between gunfire and life and death, unable to sleep for countless days and nights. As soon as the fight was over, he immediately thought of coming back to comfort her and tell her that he was not dead - because she was so timid, she must have heard that he was dead. It would scare her, he knew it.

What's more, the night before he left, he locked her in the restaurant toilet and fucked her for so long. She hated him. He wanted to come back and tell her, coax her, as long as she was obedient and no longer provoked anyone else. Man, he will never treat her like that again in the future.

But look, what good things has this little thing done these days when he was away! ! !

She actually showed up and went to Mu Tianyu's law firm to work!

She also worked overtime, stayed overnight, and slept at Mu Tianyu's law firm under the pretext of handling cases all day long!

When he thought that as soon as he "died", this woman couldn't wait to get together with Mu Tianyu and make him happy, he had the urge to kill her severely!

This disobedient little thing!

Bai Yeyuan used a little force with his fingers, leaving a light blue bruise on Xiao Ning's chin, and said coldly -

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