Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2493 He has a way to make her wake up

Chapter 24 Let her wake up

Hearing Bai Yeyuan's footsteps, Xiao Ning quickly held her breath and remained motionless.

From the fragmented conversation just now, she heard intermittently some reasons why she was in a coma.

Of course, it was even more certain that she was not dead. She suddenly had menstruation while she was having sex with Bai Yeyuan. Bai Yeyuan thought she was bleeding heavily and sent him to the hospital for rescue. She was indeed exhausted and was in a coma for three days. night.

How embarrassing...

The doctors and nurses must all know that she was so bullied by men that she behaved like this.

If Bai Yeyuan wasn't here, she would definitely have to sneak away, otherwise she would be too shameless to see anyone.

But he still walked to the ward.

Really, isn't he very busy? He has been pretending to be dead for more than ten days and has a lot of business matters. How can he have this free time to visit her?

Also, aren’t you going to talk about that important big business in Italy?

It’s really annoying!

Sometimes she really couldn't understand the brain circuit of this man Bai Yeyuan.

What on earth was he thinking?

Xiao Ning heard Bai Yeyuan's footsteps getting closer and closer, and finally came to her hospital bed.

She quickly stopped her random thoughts and concentrated on "pretending to be fainted".

Not even batting an eyelash.

One second...

Two seconds...

One minute……

Two minutes...

Depend on it!

Bai Yeyuan, you big devil, why haven't you left yet?

Xiao Ning could hardly pretend anymore.

It's easy to close your eyes, but keeping your eyelashes motionless is a hell of a problem in the world.

She heard Bai Yeyuan sigh softly.

The big devil is finally leaving?


Not only did Bai Yeyuan not leave, but he sat directly beside her bed!

Xiao Ning cursed him ten thousand times in her heart, and prayed to the Bai Group to quickly come up with an urgent matter for him to deal with.

Unfortunately, God seems not to be very kind to her.

Bai Yeyuan's phone never rang.

It's as quiet as if the phone is turned off.

There were only two of them in the ward, and the air became more and more solemn. Only her disguised long breathing and Bai Yeyuan's slightly deeper breathing could be heard.

It’s very embarrassing, okay!

Xiao Ning rolled her eyes in her mind and began to think about whether it was normal for a fainted patient to turn over and face Bai Yeyuan.

Just when she was about to implement the idea.


The man's warm breath swept down!

The tip of his nose was almost touching hers!

If Bai Yeyuan listened to her heartbeat at this moment, he would be sure to catch it.

Xiao Ning desperately told herself that she must be steady, she must be steady.

Even if he forcefully kisses her later, she will never wake up.

Hum, the big devil was so cruel to her that night, she didn't want to forgive him, let alone wake up, she wanted to escape while he was leaving later!


Bai Yeyuan's lips, just like a dragonfly on water, swept across her lips, causing a slight tremor.

Immediately, his lips were close to her ear and he said something that made her freeze instantly!

"Little Lemon, if you don't wake up like this, I'm going to tell Bai Shaoyao that you were hooked on me. What do you think of this idea, eh?"

The tone of this discussion is so deserving of punishment!

Xiao Ning opened her eyes immediately: "No! Bai Yeyuan, you can't go to your mother's place and talk nonsense!"

Bai Yeyuan straightened up, stroking Xiao Ning's lips with his long and cold fingers, his eyes dark and unclear: "Little one, you are very naughty..."

"I..." Xiao Ning bit her lip. She was really worthless. Bai Yeyuan's words made her unable to pretend anymore.

He really has the means to make her wake up.

In my ears, the man’s joking voice sounded again

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