Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2494 He got her easily

Chapter 24 Determine her

Bai Yeyuan said jokingly and forcefully: "Also, since you woke up, your mind must be clear. What did you call me just now?"

Xiao Ning pursed her lips and was about to cry: "Uncle..."

When she gets angry, she wants to call him by his full name!

Bai Yeyuan snorted with satisfaction: "Good boy, little lemon, remember, whether you live or die, you have to get my consent... I am the only one who can make you want to live and die..."

Xiao Ning shivered inexplicably.

She might not be able to escape from his grasp.

Xiao Ning finally woke up after sleeping for three days and nights. Bai Yeyuan rang the bell and asked the nurse to come in and measure her physical signs.

After confirming that everything was normal, but still a little anemic and therefore pale, he thought for a moment and told Ye Yi outside the door: "Go to Bai's warehouse and bring in the three-hundred-year-old wild ginseng and the ginseng that Bailang spent a few years ago. I brought all the 500-year-old donkey-hide gelatin and cordyceps purchased for tens of millions to stew her medicinal food to replenish her blood."

Xiao Ning grimaced and muttered: "I don't want it! Ginseng is too bitter, cordyceps are ugly and scary, and... donkey-hide gelatin tastes like chicken manure, I don't want any of it!"

Bai Yeyuan's face sank: "Chicken manure? You have eaten it, what does it taste like?"

Xiao Ning was speechless and said: "..."

Ye Yi held it in for a long time and finally suppressed her laughter: "Yes, young master, I will do it right away."

Bai Yeyuan thought for a while and then ordered: "Bring my laptop here, and ask the secretary to send the account books and contracts to the hospital for me to sign."

Yoruichi: "Yes!"

Xiao Ning made a face behind Bai Yeyuan's back, pouting silently in her heart——

Tsk, you can really pretend. Why are you pretending to be a business elite in the ward, and you are still working on-site? Why don't you go back to your high-end and classy office to work?

Bai Yeyuan was giving instructions to Ye Yi with his back to her, so naturally he couldn't see her little movements.

However, Yoruichi saw it clearly.

He couldn't help laughing, and when he pushed the door to leave, he couldn't help but say something more: "Young Master,

You have been standing guard by the little lady's bed, and you haven't slept for three days and three nights. How about you take a break too. "

Xiao Ning was startled.

No way?

When she was sleeping, Bai Yeyuan kept watch over her, didn't she sleep?

No wonder when she looked at him just now, there was a touch of light blue in her eyes, which looked scary. She thought he was hurting her, so her expression changed.

It turned out that it was to protect her?

A complicated feeling passed through my heart.

Before she could taste it carefully, what was it like?

Bai Yeyuan's voice was cold and he scolded Ye Yi: "You are so nosy, why don't you stay in the ward tonight instead. If the little thing escapes, I won't punish you too severely, that is, let him You just have to pay with your life."

His tone was not harsh, but inexplicably full of coercion.

Yoruichi was so frightened that she quickly covered her mouth and rolled away without looking back.

Xiao Ning curled her lips and thought to herself, hum, she just said it, how could the big devil be so kind and guard her for three days and three nights.

It turns out that the truth is that he was afraid that she would escape, so he personally guarded her, right?

Bai Yeyuan's work information was quickly sent in.

He really started working on the sofa in the ward.

Methodical, as if she didn't exist.

But as long as she stirred slightly on the hospital bed, he would suddenly raise his head, move his long legs, walk over in almost a second, and pick up the thermos cup on the bedside table: "Want this?"

Xiao Ning licked her lips and shook her head: "I think..."

She glanced at the bathroom.

Bai Yeyuan frowned.

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