Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2495 How hungry is he?

No. 24 Hungry?

Women are such trouble!

He bent down to get her shoes, put them on for her with his own hands, and helped her get off the ground.

Xiao Ning bit her lip and pushed him gently: "I can do it myself."

She felt that it was strange for him to take care of her.

Just as a king cannot care about a slave, a master certainly cannot bow down to a toy.

Bai Yeyuan let go of his hand.

Xiao Ning held the edge of the bed and took a step forward.


Her legs were so weak that she stumbled forward and fell forward.

Bai Yeyuan picked her up and held her in his arms.

With a sullen face, he went directly to the bathroom.

Xiao Ning struggled slightly: "I..."

Bai Yeyuan replied: "Don't say you can do it. I don't want you to pee on the hospital bed and affect my work efficiency!"

Xiao Ning blushed deeply.

This man really doesn't listen to what he says!

When she got to the bathroom, she wanted to sit on the toilet.

As a result, Bai Yeyuan roughly spread her feet apart, like shushing a baby, and said to her, "Hurry up."

Xiao Ning was so ashamed and angry that she was dying of shame.

She is twenty-two years old and is no longer a baby.

How could she pee in this way? Besides, she couldn't do it in front of him.

After waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

Bai Yeyuan became impatient again: "Hurry up, do you still need my help to get it out?"

Xiao Ning wanted to die: "..."

Why is this man not only incoherent in what he says?

Every sentence is so...evil.

She was so embarrassed that she couldn't raise her head when Bai Yeyuan unexpectedly grabbed her knee with one hand, and actually freed up his other hand to reach over!

"No!" she screamed.

What does he want to do with his hand?

Xiao Ning's heart was beating like a drum, but the next second, she couldn't help but boo.

It turned out that Bai Yeyuan's hand reached towards the water valve of the sink, and he directly opened the water valve and let out cold water.

The cold water kept flowing, and she instinctively solved the problem.

My face was as red as a skewer the whole time!

What was even more embarrassing was that when Bai Yeyuan carried her out, he still held her legs.

Just then, Yoruichi opened the door and walked into the ward: "Young Master, the medicinal meal you ordered is ready...!"

The bodyguard, who was originally a strong and cool-faced person, now saw Bai Yeyuan holding Xiao Ning as if holding a three-year-old child, and he came out of the bathroom, and both of them had some water splashed on them, and Xiao Ning blushed. It doesn't work... He immediately imagined a drama about the bathroom PLAY!

Oh my god, young master, you don’t even let the patients go. How hungry are you?

Bai Yeyuan raised his eyebrows coldly: "You're still here, do you want to take charge of the vigil tonight?"

Yoruichi: "No, no, no, my subordinates are responsible for standing guard outside the hospital!"

With that said, he quickly put down the medicinal food, and rolled around again like he was stepping on a hot wheel.

Xiao Ning felt nauseated when she smelled the medicine.


Bai Yeyuan gave her a bowl of medicinal food and looked at the formulas inside. They were all precious Chinese medicines that he ordered, which were first-rate in nourishing qi and blood.

He was quite satisfied and brought it to Xiao Ning: "Drink it."

Xiao Ning clenched her teeth and shook her head violently.

Bai Yeyuan's face darkened: "Good medicine tastes bitter."

Xiao Ning refused even more, shaking her head faster than a rattle.

Ever since she was little, she has been most afraid of taking bitter medicine.

Fortunately, she was in good health and rarely got sick. She had a minor fever and cold, and she basically didn't need to take medicine and just slept.

What evil had she done this time? She was so weak that she needed to take medicine! Bukaisen!

Bai Yeyuan didn't force her to drink.

With cool eyes, he took back the medicine bowl.

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