Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2509 As long as I have it, I’ll give it all to you

novel network

Mu Tianyu's angry trembling voice made Xiao Ning suddenly open her eyes: "Brother Tianyu, why are you also in the hospital?"

Her eyes were a little dazed, and she thought she was dreaming again.

After Mu Tianyu got angry, he was shocked to realize that his condition was not very good. He was still wrapped in bandages and had a cane on his hand. He looked very embarrassed.

He was originally going to come for a CT examination, so he naturally wore a hospital gown and came to the examination room to queue up.

The injuries that he originally wanted to hide were all exposed in front of Little Lemon.

How could he be so stupid!

Annoyed, I wanted to turn around, but it was too late.

Xiao Ning stood up and was ten thousand times more surprised than him: "Brother Tianyu, this is what you told me on the phone, a little injury? Why are there so many bandages on your body! Why are they even on your face? ! And hands! Legs! God, how badly injured are you? How could they... how could they beat you like this? "

Xiao Ning's lips turned pale.

She knew that Bai Yeyuan didn't like Mu Tianyu and had threatened to deal with Mu Tianyu, but she didn't know that he would be so cruel to Mu Tianyu.

Half of my life was taken away.

"Brother Tianyu..." She burst into tears and couldn't continue.

It was all her fault that brother Tianyu was injured.

When Mu Tianyu saw her tears welling up, he felt heartbroken.

He hugged her gently, and couldn't find a tissue for a while, so he used the sleeve of the hospital gown to wipe her tears: "Little Lemon, don't's not really heavy, it's just that there are more bandages and it looks scary. It's okay." Yes, it’s okay, I’m going to be discharged from the hospital after taking the CT film today…”

Xiao Ning's tears fell down.

What she worried about finally happened.

Bai Yeyuan had no intention of letting Mu Tianyu go. Mu Tianyu just went to find her, so he beat him like this.

She really couldn't imagine that if that pervert Bai Yeyuan was unhappy one day, how would he take it out on Brother Tianyu?

Brother Tianyu is a gentle man, how can he fight against the brutal and cruel Bai Yeyuan?

Mu Tianyu hugged Xiao Ning. At this moment, listening to Xiao Ning's heartbeat and feeling that Xiao Ning was really sad for him, his heart almost melted.

Out of manly pride, he had no face to explain to Xiao Ning the origin of the scars on his body.

He only strengthened the vague belief in his mind.

He must marry Xiao Ning as soon as possible.

If Bai Yeyuan doesn't allow it, then he will elope with Xiao Ning!

He took a deep breath and proposed again: "Ningning, marry me!"

Xiao Ning's body froze.

Ever since she followed Bai Yeyuan, she had never thought about it again.

She is no longer clean, how can she be with brother Tianyu?

No man would accept marrying a girl like her as his wife, right?

She lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Mu Tianyu was anxious: "Ning Ning, I know that I am not good enough and my career is not strong enough to give you the best in the world. But, I will give you everything I have. As long as you want it, As long as I have it, I will give it all to you! Okay? Even if I don’t have it, I will work hard to achieve the life you want, and I will work hard to satisfy you, okay? Ningning, marry me!"

He tried hard to kneel down on one knee, but his legs and feet were not flexible and he was using crutches, which was neither fish nor fowl.

Xiao Ning quickly helped him up: "Fool, your leg is injured, how can you kneel on the ground? Brother Tianyu, please get up quickly, get up first and then talk..."

Mu Tianyu's face showed a look of joy: "Ning Ning, you promised me, right?"

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